The Maud Gonne Statue Kickstarter Campaign now live
Our “More than a Muse” campaign, a Kickstarter fundraiser to create a statue of Maud Gonne for Dublin is now … Read more
* Bestselling * Award Winning * Indie
Statue for Maud Gonne Campaign
Our “More than a Muse” campaign, a Kickstarter fundraiser to create a statue of Maud Gonne for Dublin is now … Read more
WB Yeats on Maud Gonne’s Beauty – Enjoy a new open fiction post for all.
UPDATED JULY 8 2024: This campaign aims to connect a body of people who intend to see Maud Gonne honoured … Read more
With tributes to Maud Gonne on public view in Dublin already, do we really need a street statue too? Yes, we do.
You are invited to what we hope will be an enchanting evening of literary exploration and creative collaboration: The Gonne-Yeats Series: Virtual Literary Salon (& “Statue for Maud” Uncommittee Meeting) on Wednesday, 12th June, at 7 PM UK time.
An uncommittee is a loose collective of people with a shared goal, interest or cause, who meet up to collaborate, as needed. This more creative approach avoids the hierarchical and bureaucratic aspects of traditional committees, such as rigid roles, red tape, and top-down decision-making. Coined by Orna Ross, novelist poet and founder of the Alliance of Independent Authors, who based it on the idea of the “unconference” that’s widespread in the self-publishing sector, an uncommittee eschew hierarchical structures in the same way, and foster a more egalitarian experience that thrives on spontaneity and serendipity.
I believe Maud Gonne deserves public honor from Dublin for her social and political achievements yes, but her statue is particularly timely now. She embodies the sort of objections those in power use to keep out those who are different–female, queer, colored, disabled or outsidered in some other way. As a young woman she was dismissed as a rich English spy or a self-serving drama queen by unsympathetic nationalists. After she died she was dubbed a liar by unsympathetic scholars. In between she was always seen as “too” something. Too bloodthirsty, too divorced, too radical, too English, too feminist, too self-promoting, too extreme, too pathetic. Today, she is too anti-Semitic. The “More Than A Muse” campaign will highlight not just her many achievements but also the many ways she was unduly vilified.
Does Maud Gonne deserve a statue in Dublin? Of course she does and a group of writers and readers, artists … Read more