Statue for Maud Gonne Campaign: Update #1

UPDATED JULY 8 2024: This campaign aims to connect a body of people who intend to see Maud Gonne honoured with a statue in Dublin.

  • January 2: a group of readers and writers, artists and historians began to investigate why Maud Gonne had not been honored with a statue a
  • March 1: Kickstarter campaign agreed
  • May 10: Maud Gonne's descendants approached
  • June 12: first “uncommittee” meeting
  • July 8: first press release

Phase 1 of the campaign (see below) will launch with a Kickstarter campaign on July 22nd.

Sign up to be notified when the campaign launches:

Maud Gonne's Statue: We Need Help

This campaign is a significant project, which needs the support of various people and entities, from Maud Gonne's descendants and relatives, to local government in Dublin, including all the writers and artists, historians and readers who want to see a monumental statue of Maud Gonne striding down the street, to inspire future generations of girls and women, boys and men.

The first aim of the campaign is to generate interest and awareness, and demonstrate public support for the statue, and make enough money to set up a website and social media accounts for awareness.

Each step of the process, including permissions, designs, meetings, and financial transactions will be documented, both for accountability and as a guide for future projects for other groups

Here are some of the jobs we're currently thinking about. There is more, lots more, to be done. Does any of this sound like your idea of fun? Please volunteer any assistance you can offer, no matter how small.

Phase 1: Planning and Kickstarter Campaign

  • Volunteer “Uncommittee”
    • Invite √
    • First Meeting  √
    • Allocate responsibilities √
  • Artist Concept Commission 
    • Statue concept for inspiration and fundraising √
    • Create artwork & limited prints as rewards √
    • Fulfil rewards for backers
  • Budget:
    • Estimating costs:
      • artist commission
      • materials
      • site preparation
      • ongoing maintenance
      • What else?
  • Funding Sources:
    • Source other organizations and individuals to contribute
      • Kickstarter Crowdfunder – launch
      • Grants from cultural or historical societies
      • Sponsorship from local businesses
      • Support from cultural funding bodies
      • What else?
  • Obtain Permissions and Begin Application Process
    • Family Permission √
    • Dublin City Council: Research application / approvals process √

Phase 2: Set Up

  • Sculpture Commission
    • Create a review process to draw up a panel of artists for consideration to make the statue
    • Artist selection process
      • What else?
  • Site Selection:
    • Secure agreed location for the statue — pedestrian aisle in O'Connell St, across from the GPO?
  • City Council Application Process 
    • Advance discussions
    • Approach interested parties

Phase 3: Installation

  • Logistics: Organize the practical aspects of installing the statue
    • transportation
    • construction
    • site preparation
    • installation
  • Unveiling Ceremony: Event to unveil the statue
    • descendants
    • community
    • historians
    • media
      • What else?


  • Informational Plaque: Include a plaque or informational display to educate the public about Maud Gonne's life and contributions.
  • Educational Programs: Partner with schools and cultural organizations to create educational programs around the statue and what it represents.
  • Ongoing Maintenance Plan: Plan and budget in place for the ongoing cleaning, repair, and preservation of the statue.
      • What else?

Each of these steps involves detailed planning and coordination. Please let me know if you can help by writing to orna [at]

Our Statues

Meantime, I thought you might also enjoy this poem about Dublin statues by Katie Martin, shared with permission from Katie and The Irish Times

As Katie's terrific poem shows, except for Countess Markievicz (who has more than one monument), most of the  female statues on the streets of Dublin are not real women, known for real achievement, but creatures of the imagination: Molly Malone on Grafton St (“The Tart with the Cart”), the Talking Ladies on Mary St (The Hags with the Bags”).

Our Statues Go Unwatched 

Outside Trinity, Edmund Burke
removes his pocket handkerchief
to rub the pigeon droppings from his brow.
Oliver Goldsmith puts down the book
he has been reading since 1864.
Molly Malone, immune to fever, drops her barrow
and enjoys a stroll, no eyes on her breasts.
Daniel O'Connell descends from his granite plinth
to inspect the bullet holes in Courage's chest.
Connolly meets Larkin at Liberty Hall to discuss
the next stage in the collective struggle.
Joyce retraces Leopold's steps
but Barney Kiernan's and Davy Byrne's are closed.
The two Luke Kellys unleash a guttural punch
The Auld Triangle in unison across the dirty river.
The hair stands on the Talking Ladies' necks;
they soon return to putting this crumbling world in order.
Countess Markievicz strides with purpose towards
the waking famine sculptures on the North Dock.
Oscar Wilde has seen death in Man's eyes
and decides it is preferable to remain reclined.

Does Maud Gonne deserve a statue in Dublin? Of Course She Does


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It's going to be epic. Create history with us.