
For those who like to ingest their mind-altering substances sparingly, my poetry chapbooks are a short sharp hit. Ten poems each, for sale at just £0.99.

Poems To Inspire: First Flush

These twelve lush and imaginative poems take many forms, from narrative to haiku, with subjects divided into questions, works, histories, moments, gifts and blessings.

Whether explaining why true love never hurts, gazing at a newborn baby, or translating an ancient Irish blessing into contemporary relevance, each poem in this pamphlet offers access to that open, inner space where “the splendor of creation awaits” us.

Where heart and mind find themselves restored to spirit.

Price: FREE 

Inspirational Poetry I: The Writer's Call

The Writer's Call was the first ebook I self-published, back in 2011, the first poems I wrote that I felt were publication-worthy.

Poetry is very personal, so I offer this taster chapbook free, to see if my way with words is to your liking.

If it is you can come back and buy the other chapbooks below at just 99p each.

Price: £0.99

Inspirational Poetry II: Song of Silence:

Song of Silence is the second in my series of poetry pamphlets that I think of as ten thoughts about love in all its manifestations.

You'll find here poems about love, about friendship, about St Patrick's Night in Ireland and about what it feels like to craft a poem, among others.

Again, this short collection of poems covers vastly different topics but all return to the perennial theme of inspiration and creative presence.

Price: £0.99

Inspirational Poetry III: Long Light

Long Light is the third in my series of poetry pamphlets, containing ten poems.

Poems this time include an ode to the Irish saint, Brigid, the memory of learning to read at a blackboard, and a hymn to the presence of darkness in light.

There are also ten haiku, the micropoetry (three lines, 3-7-3 syllables) I publish on my Instagram account @ornaross (check out #gocreative on Insta)

Price: £0.99

Inspirational Poetry IV: The Font

The Font is the fourth in my series of poetry pamphlets.

In this collection, dead ancestors gather around a garden party, and trees whisper an eternal promise.

As ever, ten seemingly different topics united by the font of silence and space that allows the creative spirit to glint through.


Price: £0.99

Inspirational Poetry V: Welcome Dear Guest

Welcome Dear Guest is the fifth book in my poetry pamphlet series.

It includes an ode to the Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh and the anonymous woman whose seat he sat on.

Poems about the joy of peace after adversity and what it feels like to allow the power of now to surface within. And others.


Price: £0.99

Inspirational Poetry VI: The Next Birth: Coming Soon

The Next Birth is the sixth book in my poetry pamphlet series.

It includes poems about meditation, renovations, turning points and the ancient Irish origin story, Óran Mór.

These poems have only previously been read by my poetry patrons on Patreon.

Price: £0.99