Feedback Here

Make a comment, share a poem, ask a question, tell your story… And read other readers' comments below

341 thoughts on “Feedback Here”

  1. Dear Orna Ross,
    Thank You, for Your Reply.
    I do not wish to make Any Self Publishing enquiry for Myself.
    I wish to communicate with You and Anna Woodridge, please,
    as I heard You Both speak with Shari Vahl,
    on BBC Radio 4 “You and Yours” Yesterday.
    I have written A (1,200 Word) Text, of My Own Thoughtful Helpful Advice,
    for Anna Woodridge, on Alternative Means of Publishing.
    Please can You arrange for Written Communication,
    between Us Three, somehow, please.

      • Okay, Thank You, Orna, for Your Informative Reply.
        Yes, I shall email BBC Radio 4 “You and Yours”.
        I did save My Thoughtful Text, for Anna Woodridge,
        so I can format It, into A Nice PDF Letter, for Anna,
        which I can then email, to Shari Vahl, at “You and Yours”.
        Many Thanks. Michael.

  2. Dear Orna Ross, Yesterday, I listened to BBC Radio 4 “You and Yours”, with Shari Vahl. I heard You speak, with Shari, and Anna Woodridge, who had worked hard to write Her Manuscript, for Her Book, on Proud Romany Heritage. I am sorry, I am trying to communicate with You, but Your Feedback Form, has A Very Limited Character Count. Please Help.

  3. Orna, I published the hardback edition of Ella Young and Her World in 2014. The latest edition of the paperback is on Amazon July 2024. Maud + Ella were friends in Ireland. Ella left her native land in October 1925, never to return, dying in Oceano, California in July 1956. I congratulate you on your project to get a statue of Maud erected in Dublin. I look forward to reading your book. I have A Dance in Time on my shelf which I enjoyed reading in 2008. Regards, Dorothea.

    • It’s an honour to have you here, Dorothea… and I’ve heard from Linda too, Your book is on my shelf and Ella is a character in the last book in the series, “But A Dream”, with her dreams of a better world and her part in the New Age movement. Thank you so much for your support of the campaign.

  4. Orna: how do I make a contribution to the kickstart campaign for a laid gonne statue and how do I connect to tomorrows talk?


    • Hi Kim, we are so pleased to have you for our talk tomorrow and look forward to hearing you read! The kickstarter campaign is at: and zoom link will be sent to the attendees two hours before. Talk soon!

  5. Wow. Just finished After the Rising. I can’t recall where I stumbled upon it. The Habitat for Humanity second hand store perhaps? Not usually one for fiction but your fiction conveys a deeper truth. Luckily I happened on the first book in what I realized at the end is a trilogy. I will be ordering the others quickly. Thank you!

  6. Dear Orna
    I was looking for some help with writing and came across your article
    7 Stages of Creativity.
    As I began to read it felt like I was being divinely guided. Unfortunately you wrote it in 2009 and your Guided meditation to Develop Creative Intelligence is no longer available. I could not find it on your website either. If it is available somewhere I would be deeply grateful if you would let me know where it may be purchased
    Thank you
    Jeanette Lawrence

    • Jeanette, so interesting that you should find that old article. I am currently upgrading all my old Go Creative! work. With your permission, I will add you to my Go Creative! email list and let you know when it’s out? It will be before end of April.

  7. Iโ€™m so disappointed as are my book club members that you never finished your trilogy. We will have forgotten the first two by the time ,if ever, that it comes out.

    • Oh please be assured Andrea, it will definitely come out, but not until it’s ready for publication. I know, I wish I could work faster but slow and steady is the only way I know how to do novels. And the other project has to come first. Sometimes the way to one book is through another. And this will be my last word on these topics that are so important to me. It needs to be right.

      On the plus side, I do feel that the first two books in the trilogy work as standalones in themselves also, not sure if you agree? Thank you so much for bringing the Trilogy to your book club. You’ll be the first to know when it’s out.

  8. Please contact me , as Charles mc Carthy Murrintown was married to my aunt Margaret Campion in New York and i met him once in ireland while home on holidays my phone number is 00353 872618974 I met his son cornelius (Neil) who is still alive as i write this e mail He is 88 ( b ) 3- 3 1936 ( m ) 12- 9 -1964
    Yours Sincerely
    Edmund Dunne

    • Uncle Charlie! Amazing. I’m so pleased to hear from you, Edmund, but I have just returned from an emergency trip to Ireland and I have the London Book Fair next week. I will contact you straight after. Thank you for reaching out.

  9. Orna, was a stunning trailer for your new book. It takes pre launch of a book to a new level. The bar is higher now. Good luck with sales, it will be on my list to pick up!

    • Thanks so much for your interest, Patrick. Glad to report that there is a third and final book in The Irish Trilogy. The first draft is done and I’m resting it now. I’ll be releasing it after I launch the first books in my Yeats-Gonne series. Stay tuned!

  10. Dear Orna

    I thoroughly enjoyed โ€œAfter the Rising & Before the Fallโ€. โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ

    I am desperately looking forward to the release of โ€œIn The Hourโ€ in 2024 , with Chapter 1 whetting the appetite!

    with all good wishes.

    Annette (Victoria, Australia).

    • Hi Annette, so lovely to hear that. First draft is three-quarters way there, but I’ve switched to publishing my Gonne-Yeats series first, as those books (first three in the series) are almost ready to rock. Once they are done, it’s back to Jo!

  11. Hello! I’ve just read the first two books of your Irish trilogy but I can’t find the third! Can you please advise me? Thanks

  12. Selling Print Rights to 3rd Party;
    Orna, I ‘m reading Debbie Young’s book…
    Do you have a contact for the people that do the third partty selling?

    Ronnie Rush
    OLDIES Radio
    Sacramento, CA
    (916) 974-7874

    • Hi Ronnie, this is my author website. You’d need to address that query to the help desk at the Alliance of Independent Authors (if you are a member). If you can give them more details about what you mean when you say “third-party selling”, that will help them to help you–they’ll need to know whether you’re referring to direct sales or rights licensing. Good luck with the book!

    • Hi Andrea, the publication date of In the Hour has been scheduled now for autumn 2024. Thanks so much for your book club’s interest. We will let you know when it’s out.

  13. Subject: Inquiry about Joining The Independent Publisher Authors Forum.

    Good morning, Mrs. Orna Ross !

    My name is Jessica, and I go by Pen name, Jessica Lu . I am a new member of Alliance of Independent Publishing Authors.

    I would appreciate your guidance on how I can join the Alli Independent Publisher Authors Forum ?

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you very much, Mrs. Orna !

    Sincerely Yours,

  14. Orna,
    I got your name form my sister, Melissa Foster, an author from the US. My wife and i have a unique property in the blue ridge mountains (www.Brookwood.House) and we are trying to market it as a retreat for writers and other artists as well as a venue for extended workshops. Melissa recommended i reach out to you to see if we could start a discussion of how to get the word out to your members. I look forward to chatting!

    • Hi Marta, I do a monthly planning session through Patreon through which personal feedback is possible. You can find more details here: Scroll down to the Planning Patron option. Also included are small group (online) workshops through which a number of authors and poets are progressing their writing and publishing. Would that work for you? Let me know… here or through my contact form:

  15. Hi Orna, I listened to your podcast last night and heard that you want to make a combined book of poetry and photography in the (near?) future. You probably don’t need extra inspiration, but if you’re curious you could have a look at a book I’ve recently published in Dutch, that does just that. The absolutely stunning pictures are my mother’s. The poems are mine.

    We’re working on the English edition at the moment. All poems were originally written in English, and I had to translate them into my mother tongue for the book – my mum’s friends often don’t read English and I wanted them to be able to read the book.

    We’ve made it on Blurb. It’s 30 by 30 cm, has the great printing quality the photos deserve but comes with a price tag of a coffee table book. I’m guessing you’ll make different choices for your book to be.

    Here’s the link:
    Since most of your readers probably don’t read Dutch, I dare to share the link without worrying too much about coming across as self-promoting ๐Ÿ™‚ I just loved what you said about your plans and got enthusiastic because I’m really happy with the book we’ve made.

    Thanks for your podcast. It’s great to have one that talks about poetry specifically.


  16. Thank you for your post on the singular they. It’s an important topic, and you’ve put the case for my preferred pronoun elegantly and convincingly.

  17. It’s too long to be an introduction and way too angry before readers know why she’s so angry. Perhaps you might use snippets as chapter intros, and build her case? Good luck.

  18. I heard you talk about the seven stages of creativity on Rachael Herron’s podcast. You mention “researching your own imagination”? Can you say more about investigation/research? Especially as it seems to take place after you have started writing? Thank you for this information!

  19. Beta-readers are indeed extremely important in your process. They will catch mistakes even you or a proofreader didn’t catch, and give amazing tips on how to develop further your story.

  20. Thank you, Orna. I’ve saved this post. It is the most logical and efficient approach to Scrivener for novel writing that I’ve scene. I instantly saw how my story fits a 5 act setup instead of the often touted 3 act versiion.

  21. I love the poem “Dark Night of the Soul. I study spiritual teachings, and this poem fits in with my studies. Thanks for sharing it. Luther.

  22. Hi Orna–I just read your article here on the website for “How Do I Balance Creativity and Consumption?” De-cluttering is essential. I only began to do that a few months ago, felt good about what I had accomplished so far, and then stopped, letting life rush around me. I have since then had a variety of household dilemmas show up–a kitchen faucet leak that required replacement, a roof leak that caused damage straight down the middle of the house (an old Victorian where I rent one of four apartments) into one of my closets, and a leak in the hallway beyond my front door. The landlady refused to fix the closet, which was black with mold over the space of two weeks. Not being a DIY person, it has been bewildering and a bear to deal with it all. But I had to ask myself–in the space of six weeks, since I stopped de-cluttering, why three water damage-related events? Well, I have discovered they have forced me to throw out a lot of things, and I did not mourn any of those, to my surprise. Now I am fired up to finish the de-cluttering just as you say, letting go of anything that does not bring a feeling of happiness and joy and contentment. Since I am a believer that everything is connected, I am interested to see if completing this de-cluttering results in an increase in my writing discipline and output, which was once so strong but for some time now has been a struggle. Maybe I do indeed need to make visible room for what I love doing! (I may also end up in a rather sparse home environment at the rate I am going… ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Hello from Canada Miss Ross and membership, how are you? Firstly, to be perfectly honest, I’ve been struggling immensely with “writer’s block” and the daily grind of life in general for quite some time now. As I get older, I’m not really getting any wiser or better with the “stick-to-it”-ive ness of being a writer/blogger/author that I need to be in order to have any kind of success, financially or otherwise. This is my life at almost 45 years of age, and as true a “crossroads” in life that anyone could have. The quote that I’m familiar with in this “journey”, as I call it, is; “the money will come”, well, it simply hasn’t. Writing, well, being a “literary artist”, as I also like to call it, is truly what I enjoy doing, however, unless I can actually make a living out of it, then, what good is it?, especially if it’s truly my passion in life. I don’t know how to proceed from here, I’m returning to school this week, and maybe that will help me determine if this is truly the job and/or career that I should and even deserve to have. Your feedback, input, thoughts towards my plight would certainly be appreciated, have a wonderful end of summer, take care, and bye for now from the geographical centre of North America. P.S. My blogging has not worked out at all either, just so you know.

    • Hi Marc, I think I can help you if you are willing to change how you do things. Are you? There are some identifiable changes you could make very quickly to your online presence, which is where you would begin, alongside understanding your readership and micro-niche and where your readers are to be found online. I will email with some resources to get you started.

  24. I disagree between conceptual and creative intelligence. Exceptionally giftedness allows us to use conceptual intelligence but also creative. These are not box with characteristics to check… They are categories created on intelligence, to my mind conceptual is making concepts and create our own world/concept (the own structure of higlhy/exceptionally/profoundly gifted) and we can be creative althought we create concepts. I dislike the dichotomia between the two, I believe in a form of thinking (show by brain structure) that can be fluid (and not “you have both” I have one and it is fluid)… That’s all I have to say. Maybe in Neurotypical brain, there is that separation, and yeah school use a form of intelligence that does not fit to anybody. But even with a high conceptual/creative intelligence you could not be at your ease in school. I wasn’t. But I got a really high intelligence which is fluid, conceptual, creative, visual also. School uses box, frames, boundaries, limitates things to learn and say by heart.
    For my english, I’m not a native, I’m french and speak french so I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes of syntaxe or other things (I would appreciate to know it, it will allow me to improve myself :))

    Have a good day, I’m criticizing but this is not agressive or something like that… I give my opinion but what you write is not bad, it’s just a little bit too… dichotomic and creates categories.

    • Thank you so much for this thoughtful engagement, Indriya. I actually agree with you. I’m not a fan of dualism either. The “splitting” of our intelligence into conceptual and creative is a conceit, for learning purposes. i.e. in order to understand how they work together (inter-are), first we have to understand the difference (pull them apart). I do talk about this in a number of posts, which you may have missed. Thanks again for reading and your English is great! Impressive even…

  25. I’ll start from where I’m at. I’m not very business like… yet. I just begun to look around at good ways to publish my poetry and comedy writing. Confusing. Sent samples of poetry to Austin Macauley Publishers. They are interested. But read warning review about them from ‘Writers Workshop’. Harry Bingham I think. Like sound of Amazon.
    Do you do workshop on how to choose ways to get work to public?
    โ€˜Go Creativeโ€™ sounds like may be useful to get involved in. I need to get out more and mix.
    Too much alone with writing and painting.
    Any suggestions for next step for my creative solutions?
    Tried ‘Ask a Question’, but it didn’t say it was ‘Sent’.

  26. I suggest we writers/authors start to request to our publishing companies that our books to never be carried, or sold upon any of Author Solutions websites!

    They charge their writers/authors 50% of epub sales. By the time I get my royalties I’ll receive less than 2/5 of my books cost! Instead of up to 60% to 90% of the sell. Witch allows us writers/authors afford a decent living wage!
    If we the writers/authors ban a company we’ll forcibly knock them off their high profits, by limited them to the few writers/authors that do decided to publish with them, & forcing Author Solution to start producing a quality book finally for their writers/authors or go under!

    I’m looking for a good publishing company who’ll listen to my request about keeping my book out of Author Solution greedy hands (Ingram Spark stated they only opt out of Amazon, & Apple if we request) If you know any please inform me by email, I could use one who also has instant messaging set up, so phones or email won’t be the only method of contacting them.

  27. this is a really excellent article Orna, my son has literally just written an outline for a book and asked my advice on self publishing….I am going to forward this article to him directly!
    I agree that it is more hard work to self publish than someone taking a work from you and publishing/marketing it but you have raised very very valid points about writers putting their business pants on and taking control of their own work, particularly asking a publisher “what are YOU bringing to the table!”. Love it!

  28. I love your “Good Morning” poem, thank you. Daybreak is my favourite time of day anywhere, but especially by the sea ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. It’s a beautiful tattoo and it must have been SO painful to have it done.
    What a tribute, to you and to Mr. Yeats.
    Fair play to “Lovely Son”. Lovely photo of him too:)

  30. It was fun to see the post on your new covers for the trilogy. That was a great improvement in terms of understanding the genre of your books through the images. They look great!

  31. Hi Orna,

    I love your poem about the candy-striped huts on Hastings Pier. When I visited St. Len’s earlier this year, I walked under the pier. The tide was coming in very fast and the sea was up over my thighs at times which was a little bit scary but wonderful at the same time ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Hi Orna.
    Thanks for that interesting post. I had no idea I could use html in the book description. I’ll be updating the blurb of my book later today, chucking in a few more keywords, too!

  33. Hi Orna,
    I visited St. Leonard’s recently and I also fell in love with the place ๐Ÿ™‚ Lovely to see the old photos and great to learn some of the local history. Next time I visit, I’d love to do the walk.

  34. Hi there, My creative hope and intent for this week is to complete uploading the new issue files (interior and cover) of my novel Baby, Baby to the IngramSpark site … so that it canbegin to be printed and distributed by Ingram …
    I also have another novel on the go so would be nice to get some of that down.
    And, as I am a painter, to do a few strokes of oil paint with a brush on to my painting “Mindful walking at the Mindfulness Weekend’…
    Will all of it be done? I hope so …

  35. ust a big THANK YOU for your web, books and presence.
    Starting a blog and a new textile project: 4 elements on gauze, subtle world.

  36. It is such a luxury to look forward to your weekly Go Creative Show and to bask in your smooth and skilled facilation Orna.
    I have done some of the exercises you are taking through with Sondra and it is a gift to hear you both working together.
    I am back crashing on the rocks AGAIN with my creative intention …
    However I am reminding myself I have brought your Go Creative pathways into my life and I am opening to creative flow..with Gratitude.

  37. Hi Orna,
    I watched your talk at the London Bookfair and hoped to catch you to say as a very recent member of ALLi, just how much I am getting out of that forum. It seems every time I hit a question on my self-publishing journey there’s an in depth answer in ALLi. Almost there now. Book launch next month. Many thanks and if you ever looked to rerun the ‘how to make a living from writing’ course, I’d be very interested.

    • So glad to hear that about ALLi Richard, the team works really hard and they are an amazing crew of people. It was great to have you at the course, I hope you enjoyed!

  38. Dear Orna
    Thank you for agreeing for me to share your poem – I plan to do that this week. And thank you too for your kind words about my blog.
    I have just listened to the podcast where Sondra talked about making more money from doing what she loves. What an open honest response she gave, and I am willing her to move forward towards what inspires her. Much of what she said applies to all of us (was she talking about me?!). And I really liked the way you guided her, and am very interested in this aspect of your creativist work. Thank you both for sharing this.

  39. Hello !I enjoyed just listening to your podcast Orna on bring a creativist. .and this week focussing on failure. I have taken the risk by advertising my businesses in my local city newspaper exposing myself to profrssional failure by doing this also through talking about my business intention in public and with friends. .and lots more…I have achieved my main creative intention for this month February 2017I have many fears about achieving my main objective. I’m greatly helped through F-R-E-E writing and annoyed I don’t make space for this at times. I’m looking forward to following up by referencing the supports available online for us.I am feeling contained here with my creative ideas and I am grateful to you Orna and I enjoyed Sondra”s imput.Brida

    • Thanks so much Breda, for listening and for commenting. Our club plans have been a little derailed by illness, travel and tech but shortly about to open to our beta members. Thank you for being one of those and for holding the faith!

  40. “We bring the imagination not just to the end product we hope to create but to the process that will create it…”
    What a refreshing take on creating beauty, Orna!
    Every second email, blog post or article nowadays spells out how “much you’re lacking,” and by following these 10 (or 100) ridiculously easy steps you can write faster, better, publish faster, better etc etc etc.
    Which is all trueโ€”to a certain extent.
    And, as you so eloquently pointed outโ€”in doing the aboveโ€”we kill the subconscious and the subtle and we often don’t reach the state of “FLOW.”
    It’s good to be “given permission” again to (not slack) but to dream much more, and conjure better worlds, stronger story lines, more solid (and better flawed) characters, and hopefully, in the process create more (lasting) beauty.
    Thanks, Orna!

  41. This is a load of bollocks! And I donโ€™t mean ordinary, common or garden bollocks, no, I mean โ€œarty fartyโ€ bollocks. The sort of bollocks that gets right up the noseโ€”sideways. Itโ€™s the sort of bollocks you find floating innocuously in your porridge some sunny morning, and youโ€™re just not expecting it to be there. Itโ€™s the sort of bollocks that is beyond the pale, which wonโ€™t go away and is right in your faceโ€”stuck there like a huge boil on your one and only proboscis. Itโ€™s the sort of pure, unmitigated bollocks that gets the goat, not the ordinary kind. This is the sort of bollocks that isโ€”well, as they say for short: itโ€™s complete bollocks and thatโ€™s just the way it is. This is the sort of bollocks that is just โ€œthereโ€, all up in the air and hoity-toity with it. Itโ€™s just something that grates: itโ€™s something that has no rhyme or reason to it: It is bollocks, pure and simple. And, mark my words, this is bollocksโ€”this is real bollocksโ€”this is truly bollocksโ€”this is unmitigated, unadulterated bollocks! In fact, itโ€™s all a load of old bollocks!

  42. Dear Orna
    I have just finished reading your Compendium for Creativists, and enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing it. One of my favourite parts is the poem “Where are you?” I am tantalised by the links to the forthcoming Go Creative! series, so am looking forward to reading them too.
    Would you mind if I share your poem on my blog, please?
    Thank you

  43. Curious about the UK Amazon Academy.
    Was the purpose of the Indie Authors at the Amazon Academy (UK) one-day event a meet and greet the authors only? Or did “Amazon-insiders” (employees) share or give presentations on how we as indie authors can better “break the code” – mastering the algorithms that are used by Amazon? (I wish)
    Otherwise, it seems to have been an excellent get together for Londonites?
    Thanks for sharing, Orna!

  44. I love the very powerful questions asked here, and the whole idea of quantifying “enough”, looking forward to reading the book! I think it will be a really useful guide to creatives who understand too well the struggle with money but not the way to move into a more comfortable place with it (myself included! ) ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. Hi Orna- thank you for the brilliant workshop. I came away not only inspired but with practical actions I could take straight away. It was eye-opening to see what business models are available to authors and that it really is possible to create a very good living (and life) from writing. I particularly enjoyed the ‘creativist exercises’ and came away with some deep insights I had never accessed before. Thank you!

  46. As a first generation American on my father’s side and second generation on my mother’s, I cried in mourning for my country the day after the election, I must make a correction to your post on the U.S. election. A majority voted FOR Hillary, not against her. Trump is president-elect because of our electoral college system.
    I am far from the only one terrified of Trump based on what he did in New Jersey years ago and what he said during the campaign. I used to live in the state of New Jersey and disliked Trump long before he voiced any political ambition. Years ago he responded to any criticism with what I can only describe as character assassination. His character is better suited to the role of dictator than president.
    It’s fine with me if you don’t include this in your guestbook. I just wanted you to know.

    • Thank you Janet, you are of course completely right … I wrote that wrongly. I think you’d agree that her vote was disappointing, though, for all the reasons you mention and others. And I agree with your assessment of Donald Trump’s character and that many people are, quite rightly, frightened and angry. What will be made from these emotions, becomes the question now.

  47. Are you aware of the mounting attacks since Tuesday against African Americans, Muslims, Latinos/as?, And more today.
    In a matter of months, American women will lose control over our bodies. Gays will lose the right to marry. We’ll have no gun control. Workers will lose what rights they have to organize. And if you don’t care what happens to Americans –we deserve it, right–what about tearing up the Iran nuclear agreement? Or US pulling out of NATO and trade agreements? Spitting on the Climate Control Agreement?
    We don’t have much time to be patient.

    • Thanks for commenting, Skipper, and for these links which help highlight the seriousness of this election. I hope my post didn’t suggest that I am unaware of the implications of the Trump victory and how it has affected (infected?) some people. Or that I don’t care what happens to Americans. I care a great deal, and also about what it might mean for the rest of the world.

  48. Great post in Trump! Gave me food for thought on the underground. It is easy to be caught in outrage, rather than pausing and looking for creative solution (which might stop the cycle of history….). Going to go and live those questions now.

    Best wishes Lynda

  49. Hello Orna – an irregular follower but freshly determined, must be something about this time of year with NaNo around the corner too. Anyway I remain quietly nudged along by following ALLi and posts from yourself and the unstoppable Joanna … enough babble, your FREE writing I am most interested in developing something similar for children. My ‘other’ job is teaching and I do encourage freedom and writing creatively however obviously some ‘editing’ is required as part of that process to enable our youngsters to become fully functioning literate contributors to the world, are you aware of any research into free writing specifically for children?

  50. Night holds me still.
    Night holds my wants
    against my will,
    until I am upended,
    and released to rise
    Thank you, Orna!
    It sweeps one along to all the many nights, over the years, one has been privileged to have been outdoors … wonderful, wonder-filled, memories.
    Your poem made one see, re-live them all again!

  51. Dear Orna,
    Your novel ‘The Secret Rose’ has been a joy to read while recuperating from a routine operation. I have (painlessly) learnt such a lot. Absolutely lyrical.
    I can’t wait for ‘episode 2’!

    • Thank you so much Margaret. How kind of you to drop by and say so. Hope you’re feeling better after your op! Book Two is in progress, early next year I hope… We’ll see. If you sign up for the newsletter you’ll be the first to know when it’s out! Thank you again.

  52. ” … The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off …”
    That is what truth does. At first, it shocks.
    Great writing demand honesty. Vulnerability. Truth. Pain.
    In being creative we expose ourselves … become vulnerable.
    Only then can it set us free (as well as our readers)?
    Thanks, Orna!

  53. Hi, Orna!
    Thanks to Joanna Penn, I have just learned about Aine McCarthy. I have joined ALLi, then visited your website, read your post on the London Pride parade and your poem of Love doesn’t hurt. Oh yes, and your comments about Ireland … “Oh yes, Ireland …”
    Thank you. It was more than refreshing. What a pleasure to come across an authentic and fearless voice for a change!
    What a journey it was this past 30 minutes.
    ” … But none of the above
    is love.

    Love helps,
    love lights.
    Love warms,
    love rights.

    Love soothes,
    love feeds.
    Love calms,
    love heals …”

    So true.

    Go raibh maith agat

  54. Nice post, Orna. Though I never have enough time for it, I love my garden. In my early years of gardening, I wanted everything. And while I find value in almost every flowering thing (and many unflowering beauties as well), I’ve learned over time to be selective in my choice of plants. Because space is always at a premium, each flower has to earn its place by wowing me in its season. It may seem a little vigilant to some, but I can honestly say that when I look at my garden, I absolutely love everything I see. Sometime less really is more. As you demonstrate so well in your beautiful blog. Thank you for your work.

    • Thanks Linda, you reminded me of this quote by the great jazz maestro, Charles Mingus. “Making the simple complex is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.” Jazz, books, gardens, it’s all the same process! Long may you enjoy it.

  55. Hello Orna Ross,
    Congrats that you make a living from writing. I hope to be there one day. Still working on my first draft of a fiction mystery that takes place in Cornwall. Love your website. Very well done. I hope to connect with you and other writers on this site and in the creativist club. Not sure what to suggest as I do not currently write fiction full time but hope to. What I need is beta readers and an editor I can afford. Would love to hear from you.

  56. Hello. Just stopped by out of curiosity with a nudge from J.F. Penn. Stream of consciousness comes to mind with respect to F.R.E.E. Logic tells me I’ll be shoveling coal instead of pumping gas with this but that’s my initial reaction. Thanks, Jack.

    • Ah yes, Jack, but the whole idea of f-r-e-e-wirting is that it opens out your logic. Logic is not the highest mind state. Try it and see! (Great to meet another fan of Joanna!)

  57. Hi Orna! it was lovely meeting you in Chicago – this past weekend!- it was a wonderful surprise to know that you are an amazing author – I am already looking to buy your books! – Suesie and I send our best! we will stay in touch – Ciao!

    • Hi Alphonse, I have NO idea what this means but will ask tech to check it!). Thank you for caring enough to report it.

  58. Hi Orna, I just downloaded your 21 day map and can’t wait to be accountable to keep my writing flow while we pack and move house…because I feel all my time is taken up with practical things, this will really help me to remember to give 1 hour per morning for the creative mind to begin each day….thank you!

    • Thank you Maribel. Looking forward to connecting with you soon… Just settling back down after a busy time at BEA in Chicago. Talk soon!

  59. The new-look website looks wonderful, Orna! I’ve been meaning to let you know how much I enjoyed reading Creating Money, Creating Meaning – so much food for thought I’ll be re-reading! Lorna x

    • Thanks so much, Lorna! As part of the upgrading of the website, I’m issuing a new and (I think) better edition of Creating Money, Creating Meaning. I’ll send you an e-copy, when done (almost there!)

  60. It has been a while since I have picked up a book. Going through big changes in my personal circumstances I am looking at things I enjoyed doing and am re introducing them into my life. I am on page 12 of Lovers’ Hollow and i love the way you write … so descriptive I feel like I am there x i have missed books and know I am going to really enjoy this one x many thanks

    • That’s so kind of you, Annie, to drop by and say so. I am always so delighted to hear of anyone reading.. or returning to reading. Our world is so busy, we can think we don’t have time for it but it really is the deepest of pleasures. I don’t know if you know my self-publishing story but I left my publisher and one of the things I did since going indie was revise and reissue “Lovers’ Hollow”. I never liked that title, I didn’t feel it reflected the nature of the book, so I republished it as two short books, After The Rising & Before The Fall. If you have a kindle, I can send you a copy ofAfter The Rising. Just drop me an email.

  61. Hi Orna,
    I am writing a mystery, fiction adventure novel that takes place in Cornwall England. It is about a woman in her early thirties that inherits a castle / estate in England from her uncle. She learns of it’s history and discovers secrets that lead her to a bigger mystery. She has to solve a mystery while dealing with a powerful antagonist, fall for a tall dark handsome guy and be happy in the end.
    The history of the estate dates back to the 14th century. The estate is near Carbis Bay. The story has a great plot, many plot twists and sub plots. It is my goal to publish by this time next year. Time and money will determine that. If your interested in a sample of it let me know. Aside from that I enjoy reading your newsletters. Thank You!

  62. Orna

    Love the posts about the Christmas poems, one of my favourites is BC:AD by U A Fanthorpe. I had not heard of it until I was asked to read it out at a service and I fell in love with it and her poetry generally


    This was the moment when Before
    Turned into After, and the future’s
    Uninvented timekeepers presented arms.
    This was the moment when nothing
    Happened. Only dull peace
    Sprawled boringly over the earth.
    This was the moment when even energetic Romans
    Could find nothing better to do
    Than counting heads in remote provinces.
    And this was the moment
    When a few farm workers and three
    Members of an obscure Persian sect
    Walked haphazard by starlight straight
    Into the kingdom of heaven.

  63. Orna, it is very interesting to read the context of these poems, When You Are Old is one of my favourite of Yeats’ poems. The piece in your last blog about Maud engaging in ritual sex with Lucien down in the vault under the chapel is the most bizarre thing I’ve read in a while. Maud was some character – can’t wait to read more,


  64. Orna, I can’t wait to read these blog posts about Yeats, I’m totally fascinated by him and his life. I read his autobiography but I must confess I found parts of it hard to understand and I’m now reading a biography of his wife George.
    Thanks for this,


  65. When I go off on a rant that sounds perfect to me I realize there is no one there to listen. It is true what I say but I cannot seem to remember the exact words to write them down.

  66. Thanks Orna for this very interesting posting. But I do not agree that creative people are ‘abnormally sensitive’. To me they are normally sensitive. Being creative and sensitivity are natural human qualities. Everybody is born with it. Yeah! Look at the kids. They are extremely sensitive and creative. But unfortunately there are images and pattern of what ‘society’ is expecting. And so the kids learn to shut up, striving for ‘success’ / money, etc. and they learn to burry their sensitivity deep inside. They don’t want to be seen as losers or misfits. And I believe that’s the courageous work, creative people are doing. Whatever they do doesn’t matter, etc. painting, writing, making music. They’re working on overcoming the skilled inner resistance to unfold the natural potential of creativity and to dare being highly sensitive. What a wonderful fact that we have all these artists who inspire us to see and develop true humanity.
    Well, I guess it’s a big issue. Maybe there is even no such thing as a ‘writers block’. It could be a block of daring inner truth and listening to ones heart voice.
    I’m, sorry if this sounds a little complicated or confused in my bad English. But I don’t want to see the creative work as an extraordinary or abnormal path. It’s simply a normal and truly wonderful necessity.
    All the best wishes!

  67. Hi Orna, I just listened to your interview at The Zone, brilliant! Much enlightenment and encouragement. Especially resonated with your point about leaving the work with a thread to pick up next day, as Hemingway did. Having recently read A Moveable Feast, I had been trying to apply that principle he talks about- letting the well fill up overnight and stopping work when you still knew where it was going so you had something to start with next day. Best of luck with Blue Mercy by the way, as it moves on in its life- I read the Kindle version as soon as it came out – it bowled me over! Thanks again and best wishes . Roberta

  68. creative writing – I can relate to your comments as i suffer from emotional distress and this kind of writng can be very therapeutic – good for the soul good for the compassionate self ie seeing failure as a learning opportunity. With depression there is such a disconnect – therefore to make a connection to others or even to yourself through writing your self can create the process of self validation which in itself is very healing. Thank you Orna for your enlightened and encouraging words.
    I think I have just made the connection to help get me through.

  69. Orna, this preview of The Pilgrim Soul is magnificent, I can’t wait to read the finished work. WB Yeats has always fascinated me and although I read his autobiography I didn’t get any feel for what he might be like to know as a person but this excerpt from your book does just that.
    Kind regards and thank you for all your inspirational submissions on Facebook,


  70. Very nice articles. You have a unique take on life and are what I call a real writer. I ordered your novel about Ireland from Amazon this morning and I’ll be taking it on holiday. I’ll do a review when I come back but thank you especially for your article on creative time and clock time. Thx for writing ๐Ÿ™‚

  71. Hi, This is my first time on your site and I want to thank you for the F-R-E-E Writing articles which I enjoyed reading and plan to put into good use. I also found it very interesting about the various health conditions and general physical, mental and emotional health which can be improved by doing this type of writing.

  72. When the wonderful poet William Stafford was often asked during interviews how he managed to write a poem a day, he would chuckle and say, “I lower my standards.” Of course it was a joke. Even so, I suspect Stafford was really saying he ignored the standards around him in favor of his own.

  73. Orna, I wait each week for your posts to drop in my email. You’re an inspiration in all that you do and you’ve encouraged me to pick up my pen and try to write myself. Thank you for the gifts! ~ Vera

  74. You can definitely see your skills within the article you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers such as you who are not afraid
    to mention how they believe. I loved your book After The Rising and am now reading Before The Fall. At all times follow your heart. Thank you.

  75. Good day Orna! It’s always a better one for me when I read your articles. You have helped me so much and i just wanted to say thank you.

  76. Orna-
    You are an inspiration to all of us! I certainly see this as an underhanded bully move to punish all authors in the name of any who dare to go against the omnipotent publishing houses. It is highly resented, I’m sure, that many writers no longer wait to be anointed by a corporate publisher. Hooray for Indie Authorsรขโ‚ฌโ„ข Alliance!

  77. Interesting move by S&S and probably happening because they’re looking for new revenue streams and knowing there is a proliferation of writers out there wanting to be published and prepared to pay for it.

    I guess they will create another imprint to avoid it cannibalising their better known imprints. But with Amazon getting in on it and writers networks like SheWrites now offering interesting (and supportive) packages for self-publishing, this looks set to be a competitive domain.

  78. Orna,

    You make a persuasive argument for action in an area of Irish life fraught with difficulties. I am an old man and enjoy my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren some of whom might well have been aborted but for the resolve of their mothers to give birth. It is a tremendously difficult decision for a mother to terminate her newborn babe growing inside her – at least I hope that it continues to be a time of soul searching and not a ‘family planning’ afterthought. Therein lays the dilemma for me. I have no blanket answer yes or no for the right of a woman to abort her fetus – all people are different and circumstances may differ, so why should anyone other than the mother have a say in the matter? It is the mother who will live with the results of her decision. Gentle support during an emotional time – isn’t that what the expectant mother needs and deserves? A time for Ireland’s lawmakers to be brave and compassionate – finally.

  79. Looking forward to continued inspiration from the new newsletter Orna – thanks for putting so much into Go Creative! It’s a great motivator and I loved Blue Mercy by the way. All the best ๐Ÿ™‚

  80. Thanks for the CREATE poem – it was just what I needed, when I needed it! As always, love catching up with your posts and the inspiration and encouragement they never fail to bring. All the best, R.

  81. Hi Orna, I wanted to tell you that my son visited the United Kingdom this summer. He is a People to People Ambassador. He’s 11. He went to Scotland, Ireland, Wales and London and had the time of his life. He was over there in June right before the Olympics started. Wish I could have been there with him but I’m living vicariously through all his pictures. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the posts. They are always good reading.


  82. I am delighted to hear that information on the Easter Uprising and War of Independence can be accessed online. A boon for someone like me who lives in Australia but drawn to writing about Ireland. Thanks for making this known Orna.

  83. Orna, I would love to read and review Blue Mercy. I read Before the Fall and After the Rising on my Kindle, and loved them both. Mary

  84. Hi Orna, I think you mean July 31st? ….. I’d love to have the free copy and do a review, but I’m sorry, my techno-incompetence has struck again, and I can’t see where to apply. Hope you will see this and do it for me? Madeline

  85. Love it Orna, what a great message for the times when pain might win but the practice has all the answers. Thanks so much for being a Patti Smith to those of us who admire you.

  86. Great article on a few of the amazing ways we can experience, manage and use, time, thank you Orna. I have shared it with everyone I know. I have seen it through my own ‘work’ as so ‘alive’, malleable and flexible – ‘we are in amazing times’ and more to come … grace to you and yours.

  87. I love getting these creative emails from you. I especially love the link to the U2 Youtube video. I love U2. They are very inspiring and its lovely to connect words with music and great imagination. You do that for us.



  88. Hi, Neat post. There is a problem with your รฃโ€šยณรฃฦ’ยผรฃฦ’ยรจยฒยกรฅยธฦ’ web site in internet explorer, would test this IE still is the marketplace leader and a huge component of folks will miss your fantastic writing because of this problem.

  89. Love the exercise to find the no thought space! I think it would be good for general meditation and de-stressing, too. What inspired thinking… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Best wishes,

    Diana McMahon-Collis

  90. Once again, Orna opens the door to living with the reality of being a writer — that more often than not, we are playing solitaire (or Scrabble..after all, we love words) when we wish we were writing. But it’s good to know we are all in this together.
    Anita carol smith

  91. WiFi hogs? Ha! Mr. Big found Carrie by going to her favorite coffee shop on SITC. If it had not been for Peets in Petaluma, CA, I would have gone mad. Mad I tell you! Anyway, coffee shops want us, or WiFi would not be available. Right? Write?

  92. Re: The concern about “Brain Training and Crativity.”
    I am a writer with dyselxia, who, having completed a course on Meditation, Imagination and Mind Discipline ( a heightened spiritual sensitivity. Living in the Middle East, and working on a 20th cent novel, “Unshriven” set near Shakespeare’s Stratford-on-Avon, this most extraordinary gift was to result in my writing the 17th cent., biographies of Rachel and Hannah Myer. Returning to U.K. I found myself following a most bizarre trail of manorial and church docementary evidence, proving of their amazing detaied life. Please visit:

  93. I was an exercise addict for many years, an got through my degrees, and early career in corporate, purely from the endorphines from exercising. After severe and prolonged life crises, (tog with an A++ type personality) I now suffer from fibromyalgia, back degeneration etc which prohibit me from exercising without severe pain and fatigue. It is heartbreaking to be in a situation of ‘exercise paralysis’, virtually. I loved exercising, and find it difficult that my body won’t come to the party, so to speak. Also, being aware of the addtional benefits of exercising, as the blog indicates.

  94. That’s a great post about exercise. There are some very interesting movement practices (e.g., Feldenkrais, Somatics) which work on expanding neural pathways in order to create more options around movement. The aim is to expand awareness in a practical way to allow people to do more than follow their habitual patterns. I think connecting that type of work with creative practice would be a rich area for research.

  95. Thanks for sharing all this great info from the London Book Fair. My best friend, a literary agent in London, is quite tense about the move of many authors to self-publishing. Like Joanna Penn said, it feels like the freedom movement of the 60’s! So, let’s all keep writing and helping each other promote our work – traditional publishers no longer market the non-celebrity authors’ books anyway. Will share some of your words of wisdom on our blog post –

  96. Love your posts. Thank you for sharing your ideas and encouragement. Loved the link today. I particularly appreciated the message today. I’d been feeling a little silly about my rather unorthodox way of juggling my passions, so I appreciate the permission to indulge in more than one. Take care!

  97. Hi Orna

    I enjoyed today’s post. I often condemn myself for being involved in too many projects. But your post today put a new spin on this. We are multi dimensional beings, so we should stimulate our creativity in a variety of ways. If we always use the same nerve path ways and synapses they will eventually wear out. Much the same as always wearing the same pair of shoes!

    Thanks once again.


  98. Definitely in favour of maintaining secondary passions, for me reading is primary along with writing, but I have an interest in the energetic, spiritual and healing properties of essential oils and the philosophy of traditional chinese medicine and how they perceive the individual not just the illness in treatment, but not just through reading, I work with people to help restore equilibrium and I am endlessly fascinated by how the body responds and the mind is soothed.

  99. The blog was a lovely read especially being on St. Patrick’s Day. I’m an Indian, residing in India, but my eldest brother, Tony is an Irish citizen residing in Dublin and married to Ailish, an Irish woman. The theme of your novel is very interesting. I’m sure it’s going to interest readers. In fact I’m linking it to Facebook

  100. Hi Orna
    We have two experiences in common.I know all about self-censorship. After 32 years in the newspaper business,Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm trying to write a book and finding it extremely difficult to let it rip,so to speak. The second thing we have in common รขโ‚ฌโ€œ the book is partly about my cancer.
    Best with your book.

  101. Great post, thank you..
    Am just reading Stephen King ‘On Writing’ – he says much the same, it makes good sense!
    I’m new to (trying to) taking my writing seriously and still feel I need to make excuses – when people ask me what I’ve been doing I often tell them ‘just pottering’, what’s THAT all about?!! I am enjoying it though and I am constantly amazed at how generous people are with their encouragement and expertise on Twitter and Blogs.
    Thanks again

  102. Great post on passion and a relief to read given the america’s got x factor talent culture we find ourselves living in. A cynical part of me can’t help wondering though how they’re going to rebrand commitment ๐Ÿ˜‰

  103. I enjoyed this post. It resonated for me because as an art student in college (many years ago) I felt like something was “wrong” with me. I didn’t seem to have the “passion” to express myself as some of the other art students did. It made me question my creativity. I did, however, have the commitment to complete any project put in front of me — with pride and to the best of my ability. It was that trait I think, which resulted in me being given a “solo” exhibit in my senior year — something that was rarely given. Fast forward almost 30 years, and it is still commitment over passion that drives me. Thank you for posting this for all of us who may not be feel a “burning desire”, but rather the “need to not give up”.

  104. Hi, i’m a long time reader, first time replier lol. seriously though, i always read your blogs and find them very insightful, useful and elegantly written. Big fan! So why am I suddenly replying to this blog, well the reason is I finally got to watch the movie, ‘age of stupid yesterday which is a very hard hitting inconvenient truthful movie about global warming. So your blog today I feel is very apt and hit me. I believe the only reason to create is to share, to help clear away what is in the way and to move us in the right direction. Your work does this and I admire you for it. I try to do the same with my company that I run. Its all about creating the space for people to explore their creative potential. Anyway Keep up the great writing. Its a beautiful addition to the world, peace kenn

  105. thanks for this, orna,
    i’m doing just this with my groaning bookshelves – keeping the ones i love, selling some on amazon, giving others to charity – after friends have chosen any they’d like ๐Ÿ™‚
    it’s not easy – i’m a serious bookaholic – but i do feel better for it…

  106. Orna, Thank you! I really needed this today. And I’m not really “into” jazz but the message was clear. Thanks so much!

  107. Hi Orna,
    Found you this morning while researching articles for an assifnment. Found your articles to be very uplifting. I was able to do my assignment and now i am reading on. Thank you very much for your great work and also given me the opportunity to see life from a different path.

  108. Perfect. When my marketing assignments were beyond frustrating with revisions and do-overs, I used to think of it as just starting a new assignment each time instead of re-doing the same one over and over again. Okay, that’s a little crazy, but it’s a mental game really–and letting your work get you down is also a little crazy. Work is work and you have to work at it. Oh, and I love sharing this: instead of making a resolution, I look at it as an evolution. How do I want to evolve next? What do I want to grow into & become? It helps me stay focused on doing and getting better at the actions that get me to where I want to be. Sometimes it takes more than a year to make a real change. I’m really glad I found your blog, newsletter, twitter… you! Thanks.

  109. What a wonderful blog and a wonderful outlook you share Orna. I came straight here after reading your excellent post on the Mslexia Blog, not only venturing into the uncharted realms of epublishing, but inpsiring us with mindfulness and meditation. I loved the ‘Good News’ poem and I too am an admirer of the works of Thich Nhat Hanh’s work. I look forward to becoming more familiar with your work too.

  110. I JUST discovered your web site while trolling the internet. I wish I had stumbled upon you sooner, but I am so thankful that I have now. I will look forward to every post on your blog, always hungering for more.

  111. Hi Orna:
    I, too, found you via Joanna Penn. You’ll have to thank her for all the connections!

    I LOVE your post about resolutions vs intentions. I’ve never been one to make resolutions. But I’ve begun to realize the importance of our intentions.

    I have a very clear intention for 2012: To get “Chocolatour” (my chocolate travel book) published. There will be lots about London it it! If you’d like a sneak peek, please visit my travel blog at:

    All the best to you,

  112. I came to know about this blog through Joanna Penn’s interview. And, I like what you say. Your inevitability blog struck home, as it prompted me to honestly address those statements. I am dealing with my husband’s terminal illness, and they are relevant in my life at present. Great food for thought.

  113. Hello, Orna. I found you through Joanna Penn and am so glad I did. Your book, After the Rising, sounds right up my alley. I write 20th century historical fiction, so this intrigued me. I’ve ordered it for my Kindle.
    I like the idea of a freewriting notebook and plan to answer your questions, including the ‘why’ question. Looking forward to receiving your posts regularly. Great video with Joanna, by the way!

  114. Dear Orna,

    I am interested to read your non-fiction to connect the self with one’s own creative intelligence. I am walking a path where such a meditation would be infinitely helpful both to me as an artisan academic and healer, and I would recommend the book to my clients who are survivors of trauma. I work with them to envision and create safe spaces in their everyday life, and such a meditation would center them amidst the challenges in their day to day experience.

    your blog was suggested to me from my Irish friend and Dubliner, Ruth. Although she and I don’t get to talk very often, your blogs always remind me of her and the moment of magic that inspired our meeting.

    Thank you for your work, I look forward to future posts, to reading your book and to creative success!

    With sincere regards,

  115. Hi Orna, thanks for your blogs, especially the last one on anxiety and worry. Marion and I are going through a truly traumatic and stressful time and blogs like these are most uplifting….. and so true. Thank you


  116. Ez a blog is csodรƒยกlatos. Mindig minden az ideรƒยกlis info elkรƒยฉpzelรƒยฉseit az ujjaim. Kรƒยถszรƒยถnรƒยถm, รƒยฉs folytassรƒยกk az eddigi kivรƒยกlรƒยณ munkรƒยกt!

  117. Another intriguing chapter, Orna! I love the play between past and present, the story of 1916 slowly coming out…

  118. Hi Roberta, thanks for the lovely feedback — I’m so pleased you noticed the pictures. It’s interesting actually. This guy wrote to me, a bit of a troll, telling me that my nature pics etc were cliches, an email was full of effing and blinding and insults. Anyone who has been online for a while gets used to that but I knew by the way I was feeling about his message that a small part of me agreed with him. So, ignoring the abuse, I read what he had to say and then had a little think (i.e. did some FREEwriting on it) and realised I had been coasting, taking it too handy — so decided to up the game a bit. Thank you so much for noticing, that’s really gratifying. And of course for the ongoing connection. Happy hatchings this week! x

  119. Orna,
    Just to re-iterate how much of a motivator your blog is for me, especially the regular emails that remind me to check out the latest post. Lately I have been finding the imagery particularly pleasing and wonder how you manage to keep it fresh and updated?

    All the best

  120. This last couple of years wonderful Irish women are coming into my life with fire and creativity a plenty, I have a good feeling about you too! At 58 I am stepping into a new phase of my life out of academic education and into re-kindling, restoring and loving my own creativity. I have spent years and years doing it for others, now it’s my turn. I sense that your writing and presence may be excellent food for this journey and I thank you.

  121. Thanks again Orna for bringing me back onto the constructive path. It is so easy to forget and slide into negativity and that draining self-driving that ends up getting you nowhere. And again, these memos always seem to pop up in my inbox just when I need them most! Synchronicity again – and thanks again and all the best with your work.

  122. Orna, just finished Ch 4 of “Skin Diving.”

    I’ve got a demon on one shoulder screaming “Damnation! I want the rest of this RIGHT NOW!” and an angel on the other whispering to me that I get to savor the richness of this story, and your masterful writing, over and over again, as each chapter is released.

    So, the anticipation grows. I love it and hate it at the same time.

    Fabulous job, Mack and Zelda come alive in this chapter!

    Linda Anger

  123. Just wanted to say that was SUCH beautiful writing: I loved ‘the years pooled in the sag of her breasts’ … I have a million things to do but this extract popped into my mail box and I was competely transfixed! Thank you.

  124. I’ve had a busy week — just had time (finally!) to open the e-mail entitled “Skin Diving”. What a great surprise, to find the first chapter of your novel. Your description of the countryside and the Palladian building grabbed me right away (I had a Stourhead moment) and the childhood memories left me wanting more. Thank you so much for sharing this story. I saw something about asking for donations. Will you not be selling your story as an e-book?

  125. Great idea!

    Just a thought, for you.

    How about doing something with Kindle. I do not own a Kindle but I have it installed on my PC and my Mac and when you read on either it syncs to the last page you read. It’s free!

    I am very interested in reading your novel.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information. as far as a reader goes. I have no idea how Kindle works the deal out with the writers but I have read two novels over two weekends.

  126. Thanks so much Sally. What I’m going to do, thanks to you and others who have said the same thing, is have a donation button so if people are enjoying it, they’ll be able to show their appreciation. I’m a wee bit nervous, as the outline I have in my head is very nebulous, but hey, if it worked for Dickens and my great hero, George Eliot… maybe some of their magic will rub off!

  127. Hurray for serialization! Is there a way you can pay yourself for this? I would buy a (very cheap) membership–such a miser I am, but an enthusiastic supporter. Or, an ad to run with the episode?

  128. Orna – I am excited about your serialized novel. It will be interesting to see how this works for you online, what following you gain, and, from my perspective as an editor, how you handle revisions of early chapters if/when things have to change as a result of what comes up as you work through later chapters.

    Count me in as a reader!

  129. Love the water poem, Orna! Reminds me of one I wrote in 1997 titled “Iced Water with a Twist of Time.” You can read it here:

    Everything on the planet is water, lovely water, in endless recycle.

    Your posts are always wonderful.

    Linda (your follower #TWCinMI on Twitter)

  130. Orna,

    These are quite simply the loveliest lines I have read in such a long time. They bring tears to my eyes, thank you so much for posting this to me.

  131. I loved the poem about the rain. I currently have water standing in the yards and seeping in the basement so I badly needed a new way to view it. I shared it on my FB page as all the locals are equally tired of the rain and I thought they might enjoy a different mode of reference. And yes, I’ve been to the lovely isle of Ireland and am familiar with its frequent squirts of watering. I say squirts because that’s what they are compared to the thunderstorms we experience and when my Irish friend visited here, he was amazed at the difference. It’s good for me to be reminded of those refreshing “squirts” though. Thank you!

  132. Hello Orna! Just found your blog recently and wanted to mention how much inspiration, or rather “clarification” I’ve gained from a particular post – “Becoming a Writer”. Your mention of the writer’s struggle because “no one seems to care,” struck a cord with me as this is probably the biggest pitfall for me. But your fresh perspective of “no one really asking you to do this, so you need to strengthen the bond with yourself” – sort of shed a whole new light. You’re right, no one did ask, so why should they be sooo invested in the outcome? I do it for me; for creative expression; I’m the one that’s got to connect with it first…

    Ok back to work now! Love your site.

    Mo Neville

  133. Really interesting topic. Getting clear on ours WHY’s. Sounds so easy, but as you said in your post, can be quite perplexing. I look forward to reading this series.

  134. Dear Ms Orna, I happen by
    Your web page as I researched;
    Words I gotta, smiles on the sly,
    Now stray thoughts stage in fleeting surge!
    I like the way you sculpt your words,
    Surprise pulls me ere I can flee;
    Yet I must say: your echoes’ heard…
    Charm now flings free: intense, squarely!
    I like your stuff when words spring clear;
    I’ve said enough, late moments steer.

  135. Thank you for posting this. It has been years since I last read this story and I had completely forgotten about it. I will be passing this on to my friends who I am not with NOW, but will be.

  136. Thanks for this Orna, along with all the other memos, often they are the first thing to re-motivate me when my energy and confidence are flagging. This is such an important maxim I would love for it to be sent to every teacher in the world – so many times my daughters have been inspired by a teacher’s enthusiasm and encouragemnet yet, sadly, really demoralised and put off by a critical teacher who thinks she / he is helping the child by running down their work or even their person. I read a brilliant book years ago by John Gray, the psychologist who wrote the Mars / Venus stuff – the book is called Children are from Heaven and emphasises the fragility of self-esteem right up to the teenage years and the destructive nature of criticism. I also researched Maria Montessori’s work for my thesis on self-development. She said the child was like a delicate seedling, needing nurturance and gentle training but anything beyond that is destructive. Criticism she said was an act of violence to the delicate mind of the child and we all still have our inner child, in fact often it is in that free, imaginative part of ourselves that creativity lies. So thanks for reminding me of all these things and I am doubly motivated now to be accepting and gentle with all around me.

    All the best, Roberta

  137. It is interesting how many wield words without thinking of their meaning. But, what I am hearing here is an argument about the kind of creative resources that poor and working class people have always used. We creatively get by in hard economic times by cooking every bit, and eating all our “leftovers”, by mending our clothes (creatively) by packing more people into a small living space. etc…

    Then uncreative noise, or sound bites are about people who have been blindly making money, for the sake of making money for so long, that they don’t have a clue what it’s like to live in the red of credit debt or a budget that doesn’t cover every day cost of living for themselves or their family.

    Both, creative and uncreative ideals have gone on for as long as there was a class division in any population.

  138. Loved the Creative Principles article! As I struggle to find clarity regarding my perspective on creativity and its purpose for humans, I appreciate your insights. Can’t wait for part 2.

  139. Wow, Orna. Just found your site through my friend Haley Whitehall. I’ve subscribed to receive more great information about inspiration! You’re site is beautiful, inviting and filled with great stuff!!


  140. HI Bill, thanks for your interest. The 7 Stages is a series & thanks for the reminder to tidy up the links. If you are interested in the stages as they apply to writing, you’ll find a bit more on and If your interest is in creating something else, anything from money to meaningful relationships, the good news is I am working on an e-book which will bring together all 7 stages, with examples drawn from real life and exercises that will take you through each stage. That e-book will be available here on the blog (free to subscribers) later in 2011, hopefully, depending on other commitments. Hope that helps.

  141. I was reading through your blog and got as far as

    Creative Process Stage 2. Incubation.
    Monday, November 29th, 2010

    Where is the link for Stage 3 (and beyond)?

  142. This site has reminded me of so much we forget about creativity. Like I used to love writing small stories when I was a child and send it to my grandmother. But we get so caught up in the maelstrom of the world we forget.

    Thanks for allowing us to open ourselves again and remember

  143. John Smith,

    Besides reading and writing a lot…reading and writing well are equally essential, if not even more. Quality is more important than quantity.

    Author of the poetry book: From Hell With Love

  144. You are absolutely right that the whole process of reviewing your work before sumbitting it for publication is a living nightmare. What happens with me is that the more i look at my work, the more i want to make changes. I try hard not to give in to temptation, otherwise i will never submit anything.LOL So i give myself three chances. After three reviews, i am ready. I had to set that specific limit for my own peace of mind.

    Maria Papadopoulou
    Author of the poetry book: From Hell with Love

  145. You know Orna, i always believed in creative intelligence. I specifically always thought that it was directly related to emotional intelligence. The deeper you dig into something, the bigger treasure you will find, and this is exactly what you are doing with your blog. Keep up the good work!

    Maria Papadopoulou
    Author of the poetry book: From Hell With Love

  146. Fritjo Capri’s book the Tao of Physics, was one of the indicators which lead me deep into exploring the correlation between the concepts of modern physics and the systematic knowledge of consciousness as expounded by the vedic science of india. Some of this knowledge is most eloquently expresses by John Hagelin, a Harvard trained physicist who has done a lot to promote the knowledge and technology of Invincible Defence. His website, is worth having a look at.

  147. A profound connection between physics and so called mysticism. It’s only in the last 2 years that I’m particularly aware of such connections and it’s wonderful! I have a number of friends who are scientists who are coming round to such connections, and the work of Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden have helped me enormously. This is something I will comment on at my next book study meeting because it is such a thought-provoking post. Thanks, Orna.

  148. I really enjoyed and love your blog. It is very interesting and quite inspirational. A nice change of pace from the every day hustle of life and business. I will pass this blog along to my friends and business associates. Great job! Orna, I now have one more blog to read every day.Thank you.

  149. Thank you, Orna, for so eloquently expressing your concern about the wearing of the poppy. I share your concern, and every year I dread the approach of Remembrance Day and the social pressure that accompanies it. I understand the need to remember our history, and I am grateful to those who have given their lives in war; but I do not understand the need to glorify war, and I doubt that I ever will. Thanks again for speaking out.

  150. Just started to write a book during my last trip to Cape Clear Island. The title is ‘Sรƒยญol an tEรƒยณ Fรƒยญs – The Roe of the Salmon of Knowledge.’ The reference to roe is a play on the word toe, as Cape Clear Island may be considered the toe of Ireland, also I believe that I have found a way to resolve the 100 year old search for a TOE, a Theory of Everything in Physics. If this is true, and accepted as a process of gaining total knowledge, then the TOE changes to ROE, the Reality of Everything.

  151. I love your posts Orna, but your reference to f—– for virginity was repulsive to me. It was in bad taste to use such a phrase on your lovely creative forum. I wish you hadn’t.

  152. I small boy awoke from his kindergarten class & was told to run home the president had been shot in Dallas. The boy ran fast as other walked and laughed. Life changed after that.

    Interesting how life slips along.

  153. Can recommend Mlodinow and Stephen Hawking’s new book, Grand Design, for as readable a version of quantum physics as you’ll ever find (e.g., our perception of our universe is as skewed as the view of a goldfish swimming in a clear, round fish bowl).

    Having just attended a conference at Johns Hopkins on the neuroscience of the arts with Pat Metheny on improvisation and a Hopkins ear surgeon on hearing and perception – and what the brain does on improvisation based on fMRI scans.

    My own summary of that conference – and how artists are about 6000 years ahead of scientists in understanding the universal creativity here:

  154. Love this post, thanks! It’s a great way to remind psuedo writers and wanna be-s that writing ain’t for sissies – if you really want to write, you have to love the grinding discipline that comes with it – whether you’re noticed or not!

  155. What is a poem? Impossible to say or define…… There are rhymes.. there is also alliterative poetry…. but I would say it has to sing in your mind and do the same for others – mind you it will never do the same for all, or even many, others.. but that is essential.. I often write something I call prose-poems — written paragraphs in prose that paint pictures and project music – that flash across your soul….


  156. Wonderful stuff on creative intelligence! And the term sounds much better than ‘right-brained’….
    It is only in the past year that I discovered what has been ‘wrong’ with me all my life! A female friend said to me, “Well, you are right-brained!”…. and being right-brain dominant, I had to run home and google it as I could not remember which was the creative half! Categories escape me…… It is especially difficult being male and being this way – for one’s entire life you are expected to be able to function as a left brain dominant person – and I have always been an utter failure at this. I have new sympathy for left-handed people who were forced to write with their right hands as kids…..

  157. Thanks for much for the daily ‘pops’ of inspiration via Twitter. I always look forward to your Tweets and info. Well done and today was no exception. Waiting for my “Animoto” images to upload so just taking a moment to express continued gratitude. Go well!

  158. I have been teaching Spiritually Based Leadership Workshops for years as an independent consultant. These blog posts are an excellent resource for those of us who work at helping others achieve their maximum life-source potential. Outstanding work. Pidamayedo.

  159. Microsoft approached Evergreen State College, a school renowned for encouraging students to fly their own pathway, and requested four interns who would really “think outside the box.” Each of the four were offered permanent positions at the end of their internships. The next year, Microsoft returned and made the same request, but with a caveat: “This time, maybe not so FAR outside the box.” Giggle.

  160. To teach my own children some sense, I took them from the box that is called school and taught them or let them learn at home. Those kids have more sense than normal and show more intelligence since they had some exercise to think for themselves without accepting the norm. My son is very well red and so intelligent that the people around him have a trouble accepting him and allowing him to pursue his passions…music, the right job, etc. This is where the right decision will get a backlash or a result that was not expected at all but are victims of the majority.

  161. I was actually looking up a citation for “creative intelligence” for my online psychology course. Albeit not a “legit” scientific source ๐Ÿ˜‰ I really liked it and used it as one for a discussion assignment. Then I had a crazy notion to look further into your web page. Something about it intrigued me. I was reading your “about” page and realized I had to mention it to the lady in my class I was posting my reply to. She is also an author and advocate for vegetarianism. So far she has written two books and is currently on her third. She mentioned to me about having written about how diet affects health and can cure many things. She also mentions being on the radio to further advocate her approach. I don’t know her very well, as it’s an internet course; however, I am sure she will be highly interested in what you have to say about such issues (and also inspired by your writing;) Hope you don’t mind, but I relayed your information to her in a second reply to her. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your website layout! (Maybe because I have some Irish decent in me… hehe) Great job and I’m glad I “ran” into you.

  162. Hi,
    I’m a regular subscriber of your blog. And I guess there’s nothing more to be said about the confidence we get from your write-ups! ๐Ÿ™‚
    The thing I wanted to notify you is something technical about the website. When there are images in your post, usually the thumbnails are small, but I can see that the actual image is very large. The size of the image is over 2MB or so. This makes the thumbnail load very slow and also steals my Internet bandwidth as well. Please try to resize the image to a smaller, sufficient size, which is favorable to both you and the readers.

  163. There is no moment like the present. Worrying about the future or dwelling on the past are just wasteful ways of spending your present moment. It is very important to cross bridges only when you come to them.

  164. ” While you can probably squeeze out some creativity by sitting at your desk in front of a blank page, anxiously willing yourself to รขโ‚ฌหœworkรขโ‚ฌโ„ข, itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs a creative fact that youรขโ‚ฌโ„ขll have more inspired results through snoozing, daydreaming, taking a mental or physical รขโ‚ฌหœwanderรขโ‚ฌโ„ข or meditating.”

    I think it was Octavio Paz who, when he retired to his bedroom for an afternoon siesta, hung a sign on his door reading: รขโ‚ฌล“ Quiet! Poet at work.รขโ‚ฌย

    Nice thought on creativity Orna

  165. Nice piece on insight. For my part I see insight cultivation as:



  166. Cheers! Brilliant!

    (there, my Anglophilia is in check, for now)

    The author/reader interface hasn’t been this good since Cervantes wrote ‘Don Quixote’………….

    Truly, writer accessibility is something that enriches her/him—like some catholic coffeehouse w/o walls; which reminds me, let’s bring back the original coffeehouse, the organic internet of olde.

    Postscript: I’m doing screen/stage adaptations of some of my short stories, including microficition; how’s your intermedia experience going? Peace, IN!

  167. I started my blogging journey here in this wonderous website a month ago, and I feel I have entered a whole new world. I have travelled so far in those weeks that I feel as though my life has been turned upside down, inside out and my spirit has come back to life! Thank you so much Orna Ross.

    offbeat woman

  168. Hi Orna,

    Just read the Idea of the Decade post. (Camille Paglia) It sounds to me more like an observation than an idea, and it’s very simplistic, ie go back to using your hands, being craftsmen. I suppose people who write, who are in the media etc live in their heads a lot and the internet info overload doesnt help stress/tiredness, but not everyone is suited to being or wants to be a craftsperson. I think Camille needs to come up with something else a bit more noteworthy.

  169. What a comforting thought to imagine/believe that you can hold a conversation with a writer you admire. I’m about to start one with Stieg Larsson. Hopefully my very rudimentary Swedish will hold up. MC

  170. This is the most viable and worthwhile connection I have come across since entering twitterville. Thank you for myself and for all others who are engifted by your time and effort.

  171. …and always that wonderfully scary example of Hemingway.
    ‘For Sale: baby shoes, never used’. (or was it never worn?)

    sometimes I practice writing drabbles (100 word) stories
    but it is an endless challenge.
    thanks for the thougths, and sharing.

    Jane from @ Number 8

  172. I am so inspired by this site but even more so by your enormous generosity of spirit in ‘spreading the creative word’!

  173. You are right about Answering Back, Orna.

    In addition to getting enjoyment from the talent on display, the concept on which it is based can provide a fresh inspiration for creation – find a poem which is striking for you in some way and respond with your own Answering Back poem.

  174. Love the no-nonsense tips you have shared here. I do enjoy writing (although I’m in a different category of writing), and sometimes it is very hard to find inspiration. Thanks for giving me the shot in the arm I needed to continue doing what I do. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Karen, The Resume Chick (on Google or Twitter for questions, comments and violent reactions)

  175. Love your posts Orna – they are like music to my soul. Because beautiful words, like music, are my refuge รขโ‚ฌโ€œ I crawl into the space between the syllables and curl my back to loneliness!
    Bless you Orna

  176. I could never be without my books. They are like old friends to me. I often run my fingers over their spines and have even been known to kiss them on occasion. I could never contemplate defacing a book , but keep my favourite quotes in a file where I can read over them often.

  177. I look forward to receiving the Orna Ross blogg because there is always a message that resonates with truth and depth. With fresh encouragement and helpful links I am growing through this authors generous spirit. Thank you Orna Ross.

  178. I loved your post on books. I am exactly the same way! That is why I really cannot borrow books from the library anymore, because I love to scribble notes, highlight/underline key information, fold corners over, and tear out pages to carry around with me as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  179. It’s very possible to be both a Book Owner AND a Book Reader, though! I love rereading books so it makes sense to hang on to as many of them as possible.

  180. I felt so much better after reading’ Book Owner … or Reader. It’s been a guilty secret of mine that I too scribble comments in margins for when I next re-read a book, or cut out paragraphs. My mother would be horrified (but there again she has never passed on or lent anyone a book in case they’spoil’it. Special words and phrases are like chocolate; they melt slowly in the mouth as they are savoured. Often, they will conjour up images that can, in turn, lead on to ideas for my own writing.I once read a very evocative description of a storm in a piece of travel writing that immediately brought back memories of a storm from my childhood. It helped me to set the scene for an event in my wartime saga, Pattern of Shadows. So thank you Orna – at last I have a clear conscience!!

  181. Me too, me too – but I can only ever bring myself to use pencil!
    My friend’s late mother used to do the same. When Jeannie was going through her mum’s books it was as though some of the essence of her mother had permeated the pages.

  182. Friends and relatives are always amazed when they learn I’ve actually read 98% of the books on my shelves, many of them multiple times. As I near retirement age, I’m learning to acknowledge that my books actually own me. While it will be like losing old friends, I know it’s time to say goodbye to most of them. One of the reasons I love my Kindles (2) and iPad is that I get to haul around dozens and dozens of books at a time. In my neck of the woods when we get rid of stuff we don’t need anymore, we call it “de-crapping.” If anyone lives in Massachusetts, USA, and wants books, get in touch! As a procrastinator of the first order, you don’t need to hurry as I’m sure I won’t get around to it for a while.

  183. Hi Orna

    Great minds think alike. I shall be getting rid of all my books this week. Yes, I’ve always recycled books but there are those I love, those I feel I cant be parted from. But no more – they are all going this week – bring on the ipad, I can travel more lightly through the world.

    Clutter-clearing rocks. If anyone lives near London SW2 and would like to collect an armful, do get in touch. Quick!


  184. Thanks for all the thought-provoking articles, some of which have really hit home and impacted the way I approach working on my book project. Speaking of which, I really need to knock off 1,000 words today…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  185. I really enjoyed and appreciated your ebook about your version of meditation. it was packaged pretty too. thank you for sharing it. I use it (among others) and am a firm believer that meditation is the best thing we can do to help ourselves and the world.

  186. Good morning. One day there were five, (5) rejection slips in my mail two from book publishers, two from agents and Budweisher rejected a one dollar rebate coupon. That hurt. My new book BIKINI WEDNESDAY features a novel about a Muslim girl who wears a bikini to a public beach a a rotest, but all hell breaks loose when her photo turns up on the internet. This is my seventh book, one with a traditional publisher and six with Infinity a POD publiher.

    Keep writing & many thanks.

    Charlie Bertram

  187. I love getting the motivational and helpful emails from Orna. They help my writing efforts tremendously and give me hope!!! xx
