A New Poem: “The Ancestors”

Come out into the garden, someone says.
It’s almost seven and the table is laid.
Yes come. Evening wind is cooling the trees,
and we are here, whispering over the rim. See,

your mother staring out through the eyes of your son.
Your niece hands you a peach with her grandfather’s
hands. And the little ones chase each other, just like you
and your brother, only you two had the run of the beach

and the sea. A right pair of water babies, your own gran
used to say. Oh, those long days! And the fire by night
and the stories they told. Legends that were old when Homer
was young. Yes, well. Now, you must eat. Someone passes down cheese,
pours you some juice, wraps a rug round your knees. Glasses are raised
— Cheers! — and skins touch, each to each, as eyes meet and we
for a moment upturning time. Then retreat, as we must, on the breeze.

Be More Creative Guest. This week… Embracing The Imperfect with Annie Lammott

Be more creative with Annie Lammott

… Do you mind even a little that you are still addicted to people-pleasing, and are still putting everyone else's needs and laundry and career ahead of your creative, spiritual life? Giving all your life force away, to “help” and impress. Well, your help is not helpful, and falls short.

Look, I struggle with this. I hate to be criticized. I am just the tiniest bit more sensitive than the average bear. And yet, I'm a writer, so I periodically put my work out there, and sometimes like all writers, I get terrible reviews, so personal in nature that they leave me panting. Even with a Facebook post, like the last one, do you have any idea what it's like to get 500-plus negative attacks, on my character, from truly bizarre strangers.

It's time to get serious about joy and fulfillment, work on our books, songs, dances, gardens. But perfectionism is always lurking nearby, like the demonic prowling lion in the Old Testament, waiting to pounce. It will convince you that

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Be More Creative Guest. This week… Know Your Gift With Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf goes creative
Know Your Creative Gift with Virginia Woolf

Mrs Dalloway contemplates the dinner party she will throw later:

“But to go deeper, beneath what people said (and these judgements, how superficial, how fragmentary they are!) in her own mind now, what did it mean to her, this thing she called life?

“Oh, it was very queer. Here was So-and-so in South Kensington; some one up in Bayswater; and somebody else, say, in Mayfair.” And she felt quite continuously a sense of their existence and she felt what a waste; and she felt what a pity; and she felt if only they could be brought together; so she did it.

“And it was an offering; to combine, to create;

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Reading Two Poems At The Alliance of Independent Authors’s Indie Fringe Fest

Another video, this time reading two poems — “Halo” & “Long Light” — at The Alliance of Independent Authors's Indie Author Fringe Fest.

See below for the text of the poems.


My brother, Conor, used them as they should be used,

the rings. Hoops of grey rubber to throw at numbered

hooks on a board and make the grownups who came to our place


for their daily drink call out. Well done! when one caught on.

To me, each one was a thing to

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Self-Publishing History: WB Yeats Goes Crowdfunding

WB Yeats
WB Yeats

Late in 1888, young Willie Yeats finished his first major book, The Wanderings of Oisin (a Gaelic name, pronounced “Usheen”), at the age of 22.

The challenge then, as now, was to get it published and into the hands of readers. He had a publisher in mind but, in order to be able to approach him, the convention of the time was that the author needed to guarantee the sale of a certain number of “subscriptions” first. He had to bring in contacts who'd declare their commitment to purchasing a number of copies.

Friends and family stumped up but most of them were poor. One friend, the well-connected John O'Leary, a Nelson Mandela figure in Irish nationalism, made all the differences to

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How Self-Publishing Saved My Writing Life: Thoughts from #LBF2014

ALLiance of Independent Authors members at The London Book Fair
Some ALLi members at The London Book Fair

What a week!

The London Book Fair ended yesterday and it was, in the words of my old neighbour's daughter, whenever she's seeking her highest praise for an exciting experience, “off the wall mental”.

During the fair, I found myself:

* On Monday 7th: speaking at Digital Minds Conference with the Director of Author & Publisher relations at amazon.com, Jon Fine, and indie superstar, Hugh Howey, sharing with the publishing trade my reasons for switching from being published by one of the “Big Five” to self-publishing my own work. And why I founded ALLi (The Alliance of Independent Authors). And, I hope, helping them to understand

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Opening Up To Indie Authors: Book Launch

Opening Up To Indie AuthorsCopy of my speech at the Open Up To Indie Authors launch at The London Book Fair

The guidebook we’ve gathered here today to launch is part of The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi)’s Open Up To Indie Authors campaign (found on Twitter with the hashtag #PublishingOpenUp).

This campaign is aimed at book fairs and conferences, award bodies and libraries, festival and event organisers, retailers and reviewers, and anyone who acts as a bridge between writer and reader — and at self-publishing writers themselves.

Open up to what? To the most exciting and expansive movement in the books business for centuries: author publishing.

Half or more of the books on Amazon’s bestseller lists are now self-published. ALLi has many members who have sold more than 100,000 copies of their books; some who have sold in their millions and many more who are producing work of outstanding literary merit.

Corporate publishers and agents are watching and pouncing on successfully self-published authors, hoping to woo them over.

There is no denying that publishing times are a-changing — but those changes are still not reflected throughout the literary world of libraries, reviews, bookstores, festivals and prizes.

This book, and the associated campaign, hopes to change that.


The Open Up To Indie Authors (#PublishingOpenUp) campaign includes

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Switch From Conventional To Creative

Inspiration Meditation A Go Creative! Book
Find the space within and between with inspiration meditation

We all have a con-mind (conventional, conceptual, conservative) and we all have a creative mind and, once we have learned how, we can switch from one to the other by choice.

Becoming more creative is about choosing to take our attention away from con-mind’s goings and doings, plans and purposes and focus instead on… nothing.

We have the content of our lives – the thoughts, feelings, events, experiences, stuff, people. The “thingness” of life, if you like.

This we notice, but also always there is

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Categories Uncategorized

Be More Creative. This week… Creative Visualisation with Albert Einstein

"Creativity is intelligence having fun." Albert Einstein.
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Albert Einstein.

Though Einstein is most known for his theory of relativity, what brought him to fame first was his explanation of the photo-electric effect, proving that light was both particle and wave.

Einstein consciously applied creative skills to the problem by performing “thought experiments” in his head while doing his day job as a clerk. Through the process of vividly imagining what happened to light and why (imagining himself at the head of a light-beam and how it felt), he explained a phenomenon that every other physicist in the scientific community actively avoided as impossible to resolve.

His work method:

“Although I have a regular work schedule, I take time to go for long walks on the beach so that I can listen to what is going on inside my head.

“If my work isn’t going well, I lie down in the middle of a workday and gaze at the ceiling while I listen and visualise what goes on in my imagination.”

Got that. Work schedule. Walk somewhere lovely. Lie down and visualise.

Go create!

Another Poet Dies For Want of Freedom of Expression

pic: The Independent
pic: The Independent

Please join me in mourning the death by execution of Hashem Shabaani in Iran.

A high-school teacher of Arabic language and literature, a poet in Arabic and Persian, a pacifist-activist who promoted Arabic culture and literature in Iran, a carer to his ill father, and a father himself, Shabaani was a man to admire and emulate.

In July 2012, he and the four others arrested with him were sentenced to death on the charge of  “sowing corruption on earth”, acting against national security, spreading propaganda against the Islamic “Republic” and an offence no true republic considers a matter of law, Moharebeh (“waging war on God”).

And now — on 27 January 2014 — they have done him to death, executing him along with

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A Crowd of Stars

Read WB Yeats' poetry with commentary by the muse

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Read Maud Gonne's words about the poetry she influenced