Poem of the Week: Delving

I mostly post my poetry first on Instagram, (unless it is a patron-exclusive poem). Then, each Sunday here on the blog, I post the poem that has got the most Insta likes.

If you’re on Instagram, let’s follow each other. You’ll find my account Orna Ross.poetry here.

The poems are inspired by photographs, sometimes taken by me, sometimes by others.

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Delving”.

And now for this week’s poem:


“Now that’s what I call
a tree,” you said,
as we turned a corner,
and came upon it
with a start.

It was the roots
that took me first:
knotted and veined,
partly visible, and huge,
each one thicker
than a human torso,
twisting over and around
each other, delving
as deep as they could dive

and then the branches
and twigs stretching higher
than our eyes could see
as we stood beneath,

halfway between
the dirt of earth
that held it
and the sky towards
which it reached.

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Orna Ross


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