Would You Like A Free Poetry Book?

Would you like a free poetry book?

free poetry book

I’ve just changed my offering to poetry subscribers to my website.

Sign up for a free poetry book here.

I read and write all kinds of poems but I love most the genre called “Inspirational”.

My brand of inspirational poetry is not religious but spiritual, in the broadest sense of that word.

I don’t believe in gods made in human image. I believe only in what I’ve experienced myself as real: the spirit that created me creating through me.

The mystery of the creative process.

So my poems are acts of praise and love, yes, but they don’t shy away from life’s challenges. They reflect not just the beauty but also the complexity and interconnectedness of human existence. What the great zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh, calls our “interbeing”.

It is in this spirit of interbeing that I offer you this short, free chapbook with its samples of the many kinds of poems I write: questions, labors, histories, moments, gifts and blessings.

My hope is that it will add a little truth, magic or mystery to your day.free poetry book

 Sign up here

Orna Ross


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