ALLi (The Alliance of Independent Authors) is the non-profit professional association for indie authors that I run together co-Director Philip Lynch (who also happens to be my husband of 30+ years).
We provide independent authors with trusted self-publishing advice, support, and resources within a welcoming and active community of thousands of authors.
ALLi has three categories of author members, and offers advocacy and representation to authorpreneur members, who earn their living from writing, as well as connection and collaboration, advice and education for those just starting out.
We offer many Member-Only Benefits and we campaign and advocate on behalf of self-publishers, everywhere. Our motto is “working together for each other” and our keywords are inclusion and diversity.
ALLi is pronounced “ally” (al-eye not al-ee) and brings together a large ALL with a small i, symbolising our all-for-one and one-for-all ethos. Individually, each of us is one indie author. Together, we are a mighty publishing force, now selling more books between us than big publishers like Penguin-Random House.
Stronger Together: Join Us
We are part of a strong and proud indie author movement. If you’re an author who self-publishes, or is considering self-publication, you can find out more here
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