Historical Fiction


Go Creative!

Author and Poet Members

My writer members are indie authors and poets who want to learn more about self-publishing and selling books.

As well as running the non-profit Alliance of Independent Authors with Philip, I offer two memberships for authors and poets, through Patreon.

If you haven't heard of Patreon, it's a platform that allows people to make regular payments for membership services. It allows me to offer different levels of perks, depending on whether you just want a weekly advice bulletin, or a more personal, live workshop experience.

(I also use Patreon to organize my reader members, fans of inspirational poetry and historical fiction.)

Patrons have always been important to writers and artists, and mine are so important to me. If you're a member already, thank you truly! I couldn't do what I do without you.

If not, I'd love you to join me.

Indie Author & Poet Patron

This is the entry level for my writer members, at just $5 per month. It is centered on a weekly email advice email that includes blog posts and podcast from the Alliance of Independent Authors self-publishing advice center, and a monthly downloadable ebook. For poets there's also priority submission of poems for reposts and readings on Instagram.
Latest News and Resources from ALLi - Week 36 2020


  • Each Wednesday, a weekly advice bulletin from the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi).
  • Each month, a short guidebook (ebook) to some aspect of indie publishing for authors e.g. getting more reviews, selling more books.
  • For poets: Priority submission for your poems on Instagram's #IndiePoetryPlease feature.
  • Listing on my website as an indie author patron (optional).

How to Join my Author and Poet Patrons

  1. Join Patreon if you haven't already. Patreon is free to sign up, and free to follow any creator on the platform that interests or inspires you.
  2. Navigate to my Patreon Sales Page for Indie Authors and Poets.
  3. Cost is $5 monthly, exclusive of sales tax in your local territory.
  4. Cancel any time.

Creative Business Planning Workshop ScheduleCreative Business Planning Member

This is an additional membership for indie authors and poets who want a live workshop experience. I no longer do one-to-one mentoring or consultancy. Instead, I run this small-group, private Go Creative! in Business monthly membership for indie authors who want to focus on reaching more readers and increasing their income, influence and impact–the creative way.

To facilitate personal attention, places are limited in this premium-level membership that offers monthly workshops, a growing suite of resources, dedicated attention, and a proven sequence of success–all for a tiny fraction of consultancy costs.

You'll Receive:

  • Monthly Planning Workshop: First Friday of each month at 5pm UK time. This is not a large webinar of thousands but a small-group, private workshop on Zoom, where you can ask questions and receive direct advice.
          • Personal attention including feedback on your current project.
          • All questions answered. Nobody left behind policy!
          • Replay videos so you can refer back, any time
  • Go Creative! in Business Worksheets: Downloadable printable PDFs.
  • Monthly Planners – Downloadable printable PDF planners for the coming quarter, month, week and day
  • Accountability group: A private Facebook group where we map intentions on Monday, log accomplishments on Friday.
  • Mid-month Motivator – Themed update each mid-month to keep you motivated and inspired.
  • Named as a Creative Business Planning Patron on my website (optional).

How to Join my Creative Business Planning Patrons

  1. Join Patreon if you haven't already. Patreon is free to sign up, and free to follow any creator on the platform that interests or inspires you.
  2. Navigate to my
  3. Navigate to my Patreon Sales Page for Creative Business planners.
  4. Cost is $25 monthly, exclusive of sales tax in your local territory.
  5. Cancel any time.

Alliance of Independent Authors Member (Non-profit)

All authors and poets who are interested in self-publishing books are warmly invited to join the Alliance of Independent Authors, the global, professional association for self-publishing writers.

You'll Receive:

  • Exclusive access to a private member forum where you can get insight and advice from ALLi advisors and other author members.
  • Exclusive discounts and deals on a range of self-publishing tools and services.
  • Free books and resources to help guide you through the self-publishing process and increase your book sales.
  • Your self-publishing questions answered via Facebook, email, or a monthly live Q&A.
  • And much more.

How to Join the Alliance of Independent Authors

  1. Go to the Alliance of Independent Author's website and navigate to the become a member page.
  2. There are three levels of author membership to choose from: Associate, Author and Authorpreneur.
  3. Prices start at $69 a year.
  4. Cancel within 28-days for a full, no quibble refund.