Historical Fiction


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Who To Follow On Twitter: WB Yeats, Maud Gonne and Iseult Gonne

Willie, Maud and Iseult, three of the most imaginative people who ever lived, never imagined the Internet or Twitter.

If they were alive today, I imagine Maud would leap on Twitter for PR purposes, Iseult would shun it, and Willie would dismiss it for a time, with a lofty air of Parnassus, for the low-brow level of the conversation and the low-bred emotion of the crowd… but then be drawn in by finding his own way to use it.

I like to tweet regularly about Yeats and the Gonnes, as I find interesting new information about their life and work. You can follow those tweets here.

And here's a Storify list of people to follow if you're interested in learning more:

The top tweets about WB Yeats, Maud Gonne and Iseult Gonne.

The top tweets about WB Yeats, Maud Gonne and Iseult Gonne.
