by Orna Ross | Feb 19, 2021 | Fiction |
The story opens in 1916. The world is at war, Irish freedom fighters have just staged an armed rebellion in Dublin, and the three characters we first met in Her Secret Rose are deeply unsettled. The world famous poet, WB Yeats, Yeats, “having come to 50...
by Orna Ross | Mar 8, 2019 | Fiction |
I thought you might enjoy this selection from an in-depth interview I've just done with author Regina Joyce Clarke. The full article, which also discusses background, influences, poetry, creative advice and self-publishing can be found on The extract...
by Orna Ross | Feb 15, 2019 | Fiction |
This is an extract from Dancing In The Wind, the second book in my WB Yeats trilogy. It is narrated by a working-class Irish Parisienne, Rosie. Iseult Gonne has been dispatched to London by her mother, Maud Gonne, to get her longtime friend and one-time suitor, WB...
by Orna Ross | Nov 9, 2018 | Fiction |
Excerpt from: Dancing In the Wind: Chapter 3 The story so far: Having rejected, and been rejected by, the poet WB Yeats, Maud Gonne has decided to marry another. In this extract, she breaks the news to her daughter Iseult, whom she has placed in a convent so she can...
by Orna Ross | Jul 21, 2017 | Fiction |
If you're looking at that picture and wondering: is that the image from the back cover of WB Yeats' The Secret Rose in tattoo, the answer is yes. That's Lovely Son above and yes! that is a tattoo of the Secret Rose symbol, on his chest. And it's a great example of...