Historical Fiction


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Illustration by JB Yeats “The Stolen Child”

Illustration by JB Yeats “The Stolen Child”

In researching the prologue to my Yeats-Gonne series, which is told from the point of view of the fathers of WB Yeats and Maud Gonne, I came across the above black-and white-print by JB Yeats, sold at Whytes Gallery auction recently. It fetched €6,400, which is rather...
Dancing in the Wind Snippet: MAUD IS STUNG

Dancing in the Wind Snippet: MAUD IS STUNG

The story opens in 1916. The world is at war, Irish freedom fighters have just staged an armed rebellion in Dublin, and the three characters we first met in Her Secret Rose are deeply unsettled. The world famous poet, WB Yeats, “having come to 50 years” has decided...
Dancing in the Wind Snippet: Stuff and Nonsense

Dancing in the Wind Snippet: Stuff and Nonsense

The story opens in 1916. The world is at war, Irish freedom fighters have just staged an armed rebellion in Dublin, and the three characters we first met in Her Secret Rose are deeply unsettled. The world famous poet, WB Yeats, “having come to 50 years” has decided...