Coming soon
And knowing that I am an advocate for this way, people often ask me: if I did ‘go creative', what would happen? Here are some answers:
• You would recognise the relationship with your own creative consciousness as the number one relationship in your life, the one that defines all the others.
• You would allow yourself to observe and express the truth of your unique character and experience.
• You would be awake to life through five outer senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) and five inner (perception, emotion, intuition, imagination and inspiration).
• You would know how to summon creative consciousness and would do so, as often as possible.
• You would recognise that creative consciousness is not acquired but accessed, always there for us though we are not always there for it.You would see that you are not separate from the rest of creation, that the same process that creates one thing creates everything.
• You would allow challenging relationships and events in your life to teach you what you need to know, accepting them as necessary for creative growth.
• You would be on the look out for the positive and for the synchronicities, serendipities, intuitions, imaginings and dreams that such a positive take on life delivers.
• You would feel confident of your ability to tune into your creative potential.
• You would know how to apply your creative consciousness to any aspect of life – relationships, hobbies, money, work – to create more of what you truly want and enjoy the process of bringing it into being.
If all this sounds too good to be true, know that it is pretty wonderful but that it also calls for a particular kind of effort. A level of deep attention to life as it is unfolding that is not always easy to hold. A willingness to accept personal responsibility, that it is we who create our own experience of life and that when things aren’t “going well” that the solutions lies not with the “things” but within ourselves.
A readiness to be stretched. An openness to failure as a learning experience. An acceptance of change as the only constant. A loosening of attachment to outcomes.
For some people, opening such dimensions of freedom and possibility can be uncomfortable, destabilising, even frightening. And so, people often resist their own creative spirit.
Not me. The creative way is my way. And if you’ve engaged with the practices and processes in this blog, you now know enough to know whether it’s your way too.
So you join those of us who are on this crazy pathway. You worship the creative spirit that created you and everything else by devoting your energy and your money to the the courageous and impossible task of fully claiming and living your own truth, moment by unfolding moment.
You finger memory and burnish imagination and frame intention through many dedicated solitary hours, until you get it right. You wrestle with the mysteries and strangenesses of your choice, which are the mystery and strangeness of life itself. You see the armies of failure and despair mustering in the corners but you brandish the swords of belief and courage and keep the troops in their place, in the pygmy distance.
You make your choices and you settle in to serve what you believe in. And it pulls you up, and calls you on, and makes you over once again. It hurts in the making but you let the achings guide you home, to the safe comfort of the present.
This one open, fully accepted moment.
Who could ask for more?