Thank You Thank You! PLUS A Little Raffle for Hardcore WB Yeats Fans

Secret Rose Book Cover Orna RossThank you to all who supported my Crowdfunder.

With your help, I made it! 103% funded as I write, on the last day, with funds still coming in.

I'm overwhelmed and so very grateful for your support — and now really looking forward to making this very special book. THANK YOU!

AND: As I'm finding myself with a little extra money in hand, I'd like to give some back.

All those who entered the crowdfunder will now receive a copy of special print book.

And if I can make a tiny bit more, I'll have enough to also sponsor somebody to attend the Yeats Summer School in Sligo.


Here's the deal.

1. Put any amount over £5 into the crowdfunder at

2. I will choose one person from those who make such a payment today or tomorrow and pay for their tuition at the School for one or two weeks. (Travel to Sligo and accommodation will be your responsibility — lots of good value options here.) You will also receive a print copy of the special edition book (value £50) and attend the launch at the school.

3. All entrants (including those who previously donated at a lower level) will now also receive a print copy of the special edition book (value £50)


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