Sunday Poetry: Changes to my Poetry Patronage

I have made changes to my poetry patronage, moving it off Patreon over here to my own website.

As I said in Friday's post for fiction patrons, Patreon was quite confusing, as you had to wade through self-publishing advice and fiction to find the poetry posts that were relevant to you. Now, you'll get poetry and poetry only, unless you choose to become an all-access patron, which means you'll receive both fiction and poetry, because you want both.

For all patrons, the monthly newsletters will be coming directly from me, and access to the exclusive extracts will be managed  through this website.

Inspirational Poetry

Sign up as a poetry patron to receive an immediate welcome gift of one of my poetry books in ebook format, and a monthly patron newsletter with my latest poems: Pause for Poetry: Patron Edition. I also love to send my patrons discounts, special offers and news of exclusive events and surprises

Putting together my patron newsletters is the highlight of my writing month. I greatly treasure investment and feedback from my patrons and love to bring them my most inspiring poems, insights and ideas.

This small monthly subscription will particularly delight you have an interest in inspirational history, of the type written by Rumi, David Whyte, Maya Angelou or Mary Oliver.

As I continue work on my gift-book series for special occasions and themes, expect lots of poems that adapt from the old Irish and, as always, motivational poems for creatives.

Learn more about becoming a patron here.

Orna Ross


Sign up below and I'll send you First Flush, a mini-poetry book in ebook and audio--and my quarterly non-patron poetry news: Pause for Poetry.

Once you've entered your name and email address, watch out for my email. If it doesn't arrive, check your spam folder.

I would never spam you. Unsubscribe anytime.