Historical Fiction


Go Creative!

Poem of the Week: Moon Over Water

I mostly post my poetry first on Instagram, (unless it is a patron-exclusive poem). Then each Sunday, I post the poem that has got the most Insta likes on Patreon.

This week, my poem, “Moon Over Water” is out of exclusivity and is available for all Patrons over on my Patreon page.

If you’re on Instagram, let’s follow each other also. You’ll find my account Orna Ross.poetry here. And my feature for indie poets under the hashtag #indiepoetryplease

Now for the poem:

Moon Over Water

The undulating waters of her heart 

cast waves of want across the silver dark.

She saw the great sun fall, the quiet moon rise, 

seas flood with molten shine, then with surprise, 

as she perceived the wonder, felt the balm, 

of brassy daylight turn to silver calm.

She bowed her head and felt with inner eye, 

the silent rise of ocean touching sky, 

and—held within the mystery of night— 

her drowning face, ablaze with silver light.

Read the rest on Patreon.