Historical Fiction


Go Creative!

Poem of the Week: The Scribe in the Wood

Poem of the Week: The Scribe in the Wood

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “The Scribe in the Wood” Continuing my series of adapted old Irish poems. This one was developed from a quatrain in Kuno Meyer’s book, Ancient Irish Poetry. It uses a twist on what in traditional Irish poetry...
Poem of the Week: The Hermit’s Song

Poem of the Week: The Hermit’s Song

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “The Hermit's Song” Early Gaelic (a.k.a. Old Irish) is the form of Gaelic used in Ireland and parts of Scotland from roughly 600–900 AD. A 9th century manuscript of The Hermit's Song in old Irish was...
Poem of the Week: Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn

Poem of the Week: Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn” Here we have it, an urn’s future and present and past a picture performance in three parts in a well-funded gallery of the arts. 1. Ai Wei Wei holds the urn Between the hands of...
We’re back!

We’re back!

We're back! Sorry it all took a little longer than expected. No matter how “realistic” I try to be, my deadlines for large projects are invariably, like Samuel Johnson's said of remarriage, the triumph of hope over experience. But here we are. We're still...
Blog Break and new website

Blog Break and new website

I am taking a blog break as I’m working on a new website that will launch here in November, together with a new podcast. The theme of website, blog and podcast will be “Exploring Histories & Mysteries”, with a closer focus on my fiction and poetry. I hope it...
Poem of the Week: Milky Way

Poem of the Week: Milky Way

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Milky Way” Her feet in the early morning light are whiter than milk. Bones visible. Wrinkles, veins, a light dusting of hair on shin. Fearful feet, now. Thin, papery skin. Staying in. Swift feet, feet that...
Poem of the Week: WHATEVER

Poem of the Week: WHATEVER

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Whatever” Whatever you do, my dear maker, don’t go looking for yourself, or seeking to improve. You are not lost to be found, and nothing whatever in you needs to be fixed. You, my beauty, are what you are...