This Week’s Create Date: Park Walking

On Saturdays, I write about my create-dates (one of the recommended Go Creative! flow practices, a date with yourself, doing something that feels totally like fun). This week I spent my create date park walking.

And taking some photos of the beautiful autumn day.

As a create-date, it was utterly restorative and I also (bonus!) got a short poem from it. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.


create date park walking
In the falling of the day
create date park walking
I think I must take a walk
create date park walking
in the falling of the leaves
create date park walking
in beloved Gladstone park
create date park walking
in the falling of the year.
create date park-walking
Now. Before it gets too dark.


Create Date Park Walking. A New Poem

Park Walking

In the falling of the day

I think I must take a walk

in the falling of the leaves

in beloved Gladstone park

in the falling of the year.

Now. Before it gets too dark.


More poetry on my Patreon Page

For more about create dates, pre-order Three Pathways To Profit for Creative Entrepreneurs: Practice, Process, Positioning.

Orna Ross


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