About My Blog

Yay! You’ve found my blog. As a patron, you’ll receive my latest work on first release—fresh poetry, early drafts of novel chapters, and initial thoughts, raw and resplendent in their unedited nakedness. If you’re browsing through, worry not. There is plenty to stir your spirit and spark your imagination among the open posts. Whether you’re a patron or a passerby, scroll, read, and enjoy!

What is an Uncommittee?

An uncommittee is a group of people with a shared goal, interest or cause, who meet up to collaborate, as needed, in an informal but effective way. A collective that deliberately avoids the hierarchical and bureaucratic aspects of traditional committees, such as rigid roles, red tape, and top-down decision-making. Coined by Orna Ross, novelist poet and founder of the Alliance of Independent Authors, who based it on the idea of the “unconference” that’s widespread in the self-publishing sector, to eschew hierarchical structures, and foster a more egalitarian experience that thrives on spontaneity and serendipity.