by Orna Ross | Sep 22, 2023 | The Rest |
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by Orna Ross | Sep 8, 2023 | The Rest |
I spent some time this week with my cover designer, Jane Dixon-Smith, finalizing the new covers for my Yeats-Gonne series, Books 1 to 3. So here they are: te dah! I hope you like them? (read on below) The main change is the inclusion of magical symbols…...
by Orna Ross | Aug 18, 2023 | The Rest |
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by Orna Ross | Apr 29, 2022 | The Rest |
This is an extract from the first book in my Yeats-Gonne series, A Life Before This One, a biographical fiction series about Maud Gonne, her daughter Iseult and the poet, WB Yeats. This extract introduces Honor Bright, a key character in the series, and the narrator...
by Orna Ross | Apr 20, 2022 | The Rest |
As yesterday's poem suggested, creativity is everywhere, touching every human life, every minute of every day. We feel this in its inner manifestions: intuitions, nudges, insights, longings, feelings and we see, taste, touch, hear and smell it in its outer...
by Orna Ross | Apr 15, 2022 | The Rest |
This is an extract from the first book in my Yeats-Gonne series, A Life Before This One, a biographical fiction series about Maud Gonne, her daughter Iseult and the poet, WB Yeats. I’m aiming to have the novel out in June 2022. This extract introduces Maud Gonne and...