Historical Fiction


Go Creative!

Do It In Bed.

Fostering Flow Tip #17. Become a “master of perfect indiscipline” and stay in bed. By Siddhartha Mukherjee. “I sat in the room every evening staring at the wall, writing nothing. Three weeks went by, and not a single worthwhile paragraph oozed out. I...

Wise Old Bird Lit

Like many a refugee from conventional fiction publishing, one of the things I fled was being crammed into what felt like the wrong genre. In my case, what the publisher liked to call ‘chick-lit'. Pursuing the huge audience for such books, they changed my title...

Writing My New Novel Online

Do you like reading fiction? Over the next year or so, as I write my new novel, I'm going to be sharing it episode by episode here in the blog. I'm really excited about this experiment — seeing how many of you choose to read along and seeing what effect writing...

Henry Miller's Creative Commandments

In his writer's notebook, 1932-1933, Henry Miller, an author with a deep sense of process, laid down his ‘commandments' of writing. Here they are adapted to whatever it is you want to create: Work on one thing at a time until finished. Don’t be nervous. Work...

Breaking Out Of The Box

When you need to be creative or innovative, try this simple break-the-box, mind-body bridging exercise from Dr Stanley H Block.   Part 1: The Box. 1. Name the specific situation that makes you feel boxed in. 2. Take a piece of paper, write the situation in the middle...