Historical Fiction


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Sunday Inspirations. Poem: Halting Place

Sunday Inspirations. Poem: Halting Place

Here, evening mist has nothing to hold but the trees. Autumn has not yet plucked the last of the leaves. For me, it’s that time of day, that time of year, when poems come. Oh, that ache to be here, to be heard. Surely, soon. You relieve it with love, always did. My...
Sunday Inspirational Poetry: Truth To Tell

Sunday Inspirational Poetry: Truth To Tell

“‘Thou Shalt Not’ soon fades but ‘Once Upon A Time’ goes on forever.” ~ Philip Pullman. Morning, May in England, Ascot Priory wood. In a clearing by the pathway, a branch invites a bow. I lay my forehead on its bark, its skin on mine is cool with rain. These...
Sunday Inspirational Poetry: Placenta

Sunday Inspirational Poetry: Placenta

Today's Sunday Inspirational Poetry is: Placenta Look to the tree, how it remembers the clay that once pressed, loam-loving, round its kernel through which it roamed out, a tender and unseeing shoot, groping towards the light of day and the airy, spangled light of...