by Orna Ross | Oct 6, 2019 | Poetry |
Would you like a free poetry book? I’ve just changed my offering to poetry subscribers to my website. Sign up for a free poetry book here. I read and write all kinds of poems but I love most the genre called “Inspirational”. My brand of inspirational poetry is not...
by Orna Ross | Oct 1, 2019 | Poetry |
This is a guide to poetry pamphlet competitions for indie poets. Some allow entrants from international poets; others are limited by territory. Please check the rules of the individual competitions. UK Unpublished Poetry Pamphlet Competitions: Mslexia...
by Orna Ross | Sep 29, 2019 | Poetry |
Today’s poem, Pteronophobia, was inspired by a trip to Matthew’s Yard in Croydon, where my daughter lives. This creative hub is home to the first fully crowd-funded theatre in the UK, a successful art gallery, showcasing the work of emerging local artists and...
by Orna Ross | Sep 22, 2019 | Poetry |
New Poem Reveal: The Rest of Our Being As well as books and other bonuses, my patrons get exclusive poetry hot off the creative presses, a full three months before anyone else gets to read or hear it. This week's poem, The Rest of Our Being, was originally published...
by Orna Ross | Sep 1, 2019 | Poetry |
This post is about September's exclusive Patreon poem for patrons: Turning Point. It is another adaptation of an ancient Irish blessing poem. I'm creating a series of these blessing poems, that I'll collect into a book soon. This poem is dedicated to my dear friend...
by Orna Ross | Aug 25, 2019 | Poetry |
I recently took a create date in County Wexford, the corner of Ireland where I was born and raised, and the place that I find more creatively inspiring than anywhere else in the world. It gave me this poem about emigration. It was one of those poems that told me...