Historical Fiction


Go Creative!

Poem of the Week: Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn

Poem of the Week: Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn” Here we have it, an urn’s future and present and past a picture performance in three parts in a well-funded gallery of the arts. 1. Ai Wei Wei holds the urn Between the hands of...
Poem of the Week: Milky Way

Poem of the Week: Milky Way

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Milky Way” Her feet in the early morning light are whiter than milk. Bones visible. Wrinkles, veins, a light dusting of hair on shin. Fearful feet, now. Thin, papery skin. Staying in. Swift feet, feet that...
Poem of the Week: WHATEVER

Poem of the Week: WHATEVER

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Whatever” Whatever you do, my dear maker, don’t go looking for yourself, or seeking to improve. You are not lost to be found, and nothing whatever in you needs to be fixed. You, my beauty, are what you are...
Poem of the Week: SHOWERINGS

Poem of the Week: SHOWERINGS

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Showerings” INTERPRETATION OF AN ANCIENT IRISH WEDDING BLESSING May the blessing of the soft rains be on your house. May they seep into its clay, that its flowers might spring, shedding sweetness on the air....
Poem of the Week: Followings

Poem of the Week: Followings

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Followings” Creatives grope through the dark drawn by the promise of dawn our way lit by the stars who smile on our stumbles know why we seek and love what our searching creates. To receive exclusive...
Poem of the Month: The Deer’s Cry

Poem of the Month: The Deer’s Cry

I'm making a change to my reader membership. From September 2021, each member will receive a short ebook from my writings of the month. For the poetry members, a chapbook of poems. For fiction membrs, a short story of novel extract. I'll send this benefit through...