by Orna Ross | Mar 18, 2022 | FICTION |
Below is the beginning of a short story about a famous Irish love story, the story of Líadan and Cuirithir (pronounced phonetically in English Leeadawn and Coorihir). One of the most heartrending poems in the ancient Irish annals is “Comhrach Líadaine agas...
by Orna Ross | Mar 4, 2022 | FICTION |
A while ago, I came across an idea that has made an enormous difference to how I plan my novels: It's using haiku poetry to plan my novel, from the theme to the story beats of the outline. As I return to writing fiction for publication, I'm drawing on it again. And...
by Orna Ross | Jan 21, 2022 | FICTION |
Over on my Facebook page, we've been discussing the word “feminal”. It means: “relating to a woman” and I came across it while researching my Yeats-Gonne book… I really think we should revive it. It fills the great wide gap between...
by Orna Ross | Dec 23, 2021 | FICTION |
In researching the prologue to my Yeats-Gonne series, which is told from the point of view of the fathers of WB Yeats and Maud Gonne, I came across the above black-and white-print by JB Yeats, sold at Whytes Gallery auction recently. It fetched €6,400, which is rather...
by Orna Ross | Sep 21, 2021 | FICTION |
By request, our next Go Creative! workshop, on the 8th of October, will be about Finding Your Flow: Overcoming Resistance and Block. If one part of you is giving another part of you a hard time (beating yourself up for being lazy, procrastinating, or ineffective, for...
by Orna Ross | Sep 11, 2021 | FICTION |
The After the Rising & Before the Fall blog tour is almost over Since the start of September, bloggers have been reviewing and commenting on the centenary edition of this two-books-in-one set. Such lovely reviews. You can buy the book directly from me here. Here's the...