Yeats-Birthday Poetry Reading in London Tonight: Open Post

Back to my old London haunts tonight, as a guest #poet at the #WBYeats birthday poetry night hosted by @anne_marie_fyfe and Cahal Dallat, with special guest @thejeremyvine …plus guest poets.

We were asked to do a “heart poem”. I chose this one, a sonnet I wrote some time ago.  The love is even longer now.

Long Love

We’ve been together for so long, my dear,
the world discounts us, thinking old means void.
Sets gaze beyond, as if in drawing near,
it might touch age, and somehow be destroyed,

so misses how we laugh off mortal noise,
how old pains borne together came to rhyme,
how fine it feels to have one's griefs and joys
soft held, each for the other, over time.

And how your heart, when pillowed on my heart,
flows forth in spirit, as mine ebbs in blood,
how all our years are held, from end to start,
in this exchange of shared life, flux and flood.

Two bodies married so long as one mind
know days ahead brim full of those behind.

Happy Yeats Day!

Orna Ross


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