Poem of the Week: Creative Rest

I mostly post my poetry first on Instagram, (unless it is a patron-exclusive poem). Then, each Sunday here on the blog, I post the poem that has got the most Insta likes.

If you’re on Instagram, let’s follow each other. You’ll find my account Orna Ross.poetry here.

The poems are inspired by photographs, sometimes taken by me, sometimes by others.

My most popular poem on Instagram this week was “Creative Rest”.

Pic: @ornaghlynch in IN YOUR PRIME by @caineruable. Production @thenave

And now for this week’s poem:

Creative Rest

Now is your time
to pull in
and go slow.
Take shelter
from the fumigating
ways of the world. 
Your skin is grey,
your powder is dry.
Soft words
are blasphemies,
pieties binding
your nerves
in corsets
of thought.
The air tastes
of smoke.
The air tastes
of fumes.
There is nothing
to fear, yet here it comes
in waves. Afraid, afraid.

Come to center. You’ve known days
of reaching out to the burdened 
beside you. Stay giving,
but this time, give to yourself.
Find a space you can live in.
where it’s safe to breathe,
and keep breathing.

Turn off what’s left of the light.
Darkness is a place to gather
what's sacred, to burn
incense till dawn. Feel how it feels
to slip free of your whalebones
and tenterhooks, to trust
in the power of the pause.
Lie here and ask for your needs.
We’ll bring you water, a blanket, a kiss.

The body pulses with the tides.
Let yourself fall and then rise.
Let time ride and come round,
in its time. When sky opens beyond
the window you’ll thrill to alight  
on the breeze and disperse.
But not now. No. Now 
is your time to pull in
and go slow.

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Orna Ross


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