by Orna Ross | Feb 8, 2019 | Fiction, Go Creative! |
Writing a trilogy is a massive undertaking and I'm at work on Book 2 of my Yeats trilogy, Dancing in the Wind (while continuing the incubation work on the final novel of my Irish trilogy, In the Hour.) That's the fiction fun around here at the moment. So how do you...
by Orna Ross | Feb 1, 2019 | Fiction |
I get a lot of emails asking about In The Hour, the final book in my Irish Trilogy. I'm pleased to say that work has started. It's in the earliest stage and I haven't put down a delivery date yet. I've learned through painful experience not to do that while I'm still...
by Orna Ross | Jan 27, 2019 | Poetry |
On my patreon page, I offer new poems exclusively to my patrons for three months. This three—month exclusivity period is now over for this poem, first published back in October 2018. It's called Oran Mór: The Great Song. The poem is a reworking of an ancient Irish...