by Orna Ross | Dec 24, 2019 | Poetry |
Happy Holidays Creatives and Creativists! I hope you’ll be enjoying a special and happy time over the sparkly season. Below is a seasonal poem that my patrons won't mind, I think, if I share more widely, though it is not due for general release for another few weeks....
by Orna Ross | Dec 8, 2019 | Poetry |
My Poetry for Christmas collection has been updated to take in a new poem, which you can access now either by supporting my Patreon page or buying the book. If you hurry, you can order a special signed edition which I'll mail to you in time. (Email Sarah:...
by Orna Ross | Dec 1, 2019 | Poetry |
This month's exclusive poem for patrons is a Christmas poem “Soaring”, inspired by the Chrismas lights on Picadilly, London. SOARING In darkening afternoons damp air that tastes of sleet and wind, we dodge between the honk of taxis, buses, cars and other...
by Orna Ross | Nov 22, 2019 | Fiction |
This is a scene reimagining the execution of John MacBride, Maud Gonne's husband, for his part in the 1916 Rising. His death was to change life for Maud and Iseult forever. Last Friday, I wondered whether to open the novel with one of Maud's fiery political speeches....
by Orna Ross | Nov 15, 2019 | Fiction |
I'm thinking of opening Dancing in the Wind with one of Maud Gonne's fiery political speeches. But my question is: Would you read on if this was what you found in the first pages of a novel? The question is addressed more to those who haven't read Book One, Her Secret...