by Orna Ross | Nov 16, 2018 | Fiction |
Friday fiction: Just Be Yourself is an extract from Below The Fall, the second book in the Irish trilogy. Jo has ended up in San Francisco, by way of London and hasn't been home in ten years. She has quite drinking and friends, job, lifestyle have all been...
by Orna Ross | Nov 11, 2018 | Poetry |
Every spiritual tradition has writings and teachings about what Christians call… The dark night of the soul. It's understood to be a necessary pre-cursor to receiving the light of redemption. That’s not how it feels while you’re there, though. Dark times are...
by Orna Ross | Nov 9, 2018 | Fiction |
Excerpt from: Dancing In the Wind: Chapter 3 The story so far: Having rejected, and been rejected by, the poet WB Yeats, Maud Gonne has decided to marry another. In this extract, she breaks the news to her daughter Iseult, whom she has placed in a convent so she can...
by Orna Ross | Oct 28, 2018 | Poetry |
Each Sunday I publish a poem about some aspect of creative working and living. This week’s inspirational poem: “Good Coffee” is about a woman I saw at a table outside a local cafe. First, my eye was drawn by her tremors, a feature of her age, then what I...
by Orna Ross | Oct 21, 2018 | Poetry |
Each Sunday I publish a poem about some aspect of creative working and living. This week's inspirational poem: Renovation is about a job we're getting done on our house at the moment. Such a mundane and practical topic but poetry finds that there's always more going...