by Orna Ross | Oct 22, 2015 | The Rest
Creativists: Choose to harness the power of the creative process, not out of conviction or faith, but because we’ve tested and verified this process in our own lives. Don’t attempt to explain the unexplainable. We revel in the novelty, complexity and diversity of the...
by Orna Ross | Oct 9, 2015 | The Rest
by Orna Ross | Oct 7, 2015 | The Rest
What do you think of my new cover? It's by Sophie Devine who was very kindly brought to me by the wonderful Kristen Harrison of Curved House. Click on the thumbnail below to order from Amazon.
by Orna Ross | Oct 1, 2015 | The Rest
Some people think going with the flow means doing anything that happens along. That's not the creative way. If you're saying “yes” to everything that turns up, you're not living from creative intention. You're not making time for meditation, exercise or...
by Orna Ross | Sep 25, 2015 | The Rest
As we head into the busiest book-selling period of the year, there is Self-publishing News a-plenty from my ALLi partners and friends at the ALLi Author Advice Centre. Skip on over to this week's post to discover new data on how many indies are making a decent living...