by Orna Ross | Oct 12, 2014 | The Rest |
CARL SAGAN: The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark When we finally come to terms with science and fully recognize its beauty and its power, we will find, in spiritual as well as in practical matters, that we have made a bargain strongly in our favor....
by Orna Ross | Oct 10, 2014 | Fiction |
I've been working for some years on a trilogy about the Irish poet WB Yeats — and I'll be picking it back up shortly to finish off, (just as soon as I publish How To Create Anything and Go Creative!) I'm planning a very special edition (500 copies) of the first...
by Orna Ross | Sep 19, 2014 | The Rest |
It’s here. Creating Money, Creating Meaning: Getting Into Financial Flow, the book that applies the creative process to (whisper it, creative types!) making money. It launches Tuesday next, 23rd of September. But you can order your advance copy now — without...
by Orna Ross | Sep 16, 2014 | Poetry |
Life said to the wanderer: wait without waiting. Kneel yourself down there, on stone- hearted stone. Set down your hope too. It could be mistaken. And fold up that map. It may also be wrong. Though it be dark here beyond all believing, with no place for faith, no,...