by Orna Ross | Nov 27, 2014 | The Rest |
Has it happened to you: a restless night, spent tossing and turning, yielding good creative ideas? In a recent podcast, Saturday Night Live creator Lorne Michaels admitted that while under the stress of having to produce a topical weekly show he found that a lack of...
by Orna Ross | Nov 24, 2014 | Fiction |
The Irish Nobel-Laureate poet Willie Yeats was 23 years old in 1889, when Maud Gonne came calling to his house and, as he later put it, “the troubling of his life” began. Six feet tall, elegantly beautiful and passionately political, this British heiress turned...
by Orna Ross | Nov 11, 2014 | Fiction |
The more I circle the life and work of WB Yeats, the more I'm drawn to wondering about his mother, Susan Yeats, nee Pollexfen. In trying to understand her influence, at first I felt hampered by how little we know about her. As I read through the letters and...
by Orna Ross | Nov 6, 2014 | The Rest |
In Creativity is Forever, Gary Davis listed 22 characteristics that were most commonly found in creative people, some positive (curiosity, independent, risk-taking, high energy, emotional) and some negative (impulsive, hyperactive, argumentative). He found that many...