Historical Fiction


Go Creative!

The Yeats-Gonne Trilogy Covers Are Through

The wonderful Jane Dixon-Smith has just delivered the covers for the Yeats-Gonne trilogy, Between The Words, and yes, I'm a tad excited!  Jane's done a wonderful job as always. These novels have been a long time in the writing. WB Yeats was 23-years-old when Maud...

A Poem For Brigid’s Day

My mother's name is Brigid, though everyone knows her as Ida, named as almost every Irish person used to be, after a saint. St Brigid, one of the patron saints of Ireland, whose feast day is today, the old Irish imbolc the first day of spring. Much to my own surprise...

Going Creative

Knowing that the same elemental, dangerous energy that moves the wind also moves me, the only approach to life that makes sense to me is the creative way. And knowing that I am an advocate for this way, people often ask me: if I did ‘go creative', what would...