by Orna Ross | Mar 5, 2012 | Poetry |
One of the many interesting people I've met at The Red Vic, the B&B I'm staying in here in San Francisco, is Laurie Marshall, writer, educator, peace activist and artist. Laurie is instigator of The Singing Tree Art Project, aiming to unite divided young people...
by Orna Ross | Mar 1, 2012 | The Rest |
Just a quick note to say if you are thinking of reading Before The Fall, then today's the day to do it. To celebrate World Book Day, and to say thank you to you as a blog subscriber, and to other supporters, I'm making the book available free on Amazon Kindle all...
by Orna Ross | Feb 28, 2012 | The Rest |
Sorry for the delay…. I got a little waylaid by all the activity around the Alliance of Independent Authors but it's here! Now available on Kindle — Before The Fall. Thank you for your patience! This book is the sequel to After The Rising, but it's a...
by Orna Ross | Feb 22, 2012 | Go Creative! |
I'm rather excited to tell you that the indie author's website I've been talking about for so long is finally ready to take members. Yes, the only global nonprofit association for the self-publishing writer has arrived. We're so thrilled at the bright and brilliant...
by Orna Ross | Feb 14, 2012 | Fiction |
I'm awake in the middle of the San Francisco night, maybe because my body's still on London time, maybe because the moon is shining in the window. No matter. As always, I'm over-the-moon delighted to be here. My relationship with this city began before I ever came...