by Orna Ross | Apr 23, 2012 | The Rest |
#GoCreative. I'm a bit sceptical about brain training and #creativity. Brain training works best in getting you used to jumping through particular mental hoops and improving your ability to do a specific brain task. But creative thinking is different. The brainwaves...
by Orna Ross | Apr 22, 2012 | Go Creative! |
Closing a week of posts about the launch of the Alliance of Independent Authors at London Book Fair, this (long) post offers: A fascinating and lively podcast discussion I took part in on The Naked Book, about self-publishing's place in the industry. Some favourite...
by Orna Ross | Apr 17, 2012 | Go Creative! |
[#ALLIA #writing] Maybe it's because I'm Irish but every book I've ever written has had a lot to say about freedom — even my very first publication, a nonfiction book with a small feminist press in Dublin (Attic, now part of Cork University Press), called...
by Orna Ross | Mar 28, 2012 | Poetry |
#writerwednesday. I'm excited to be speaking about the Alliance next Friday at NOT The Oxford Literary Festival (NTOLF). This event was started two years ago by writer/performers who were frustrated by the high admission prices at the … yes…Oxford Literary...
by Orna Ross | Mar 17, 2012 | Fiction |
Happy St Patricks Day! Living abroad as I do, I love this day when the whole world goes a little bit Irish. So today's the day I've chosen for the Facebook launch of my twinned ebooks, After The Rising and Before the Fall that centre on a key moment in Irish history....