Historical Fiction


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A Small Imagining – Excerpt from Blue Mercy

Novel Excerpt: “Sometimes, not too often, really not often at all, I allow myself a small imagining. Not a why-oh-why, or a what-if; something closer to a dream.  “It is dusk in summer and we are walking towards the lake. The fading light has greyed the...

Irish Secrets of The Past Uncovered

Exciting news from Ireland (for history nerds).  Secrets of the 1916 Easter Rising and War of Independence have been revealed by a new project from The Bureau of Military History that focusses on eyewitness accounts of the time. How I would have loved these to have...

Who's Your Creative Community?

Creatives have always known the value of community and that ideas – and the people who have them – attract each other. Just ask any writer or artist who left home for the big city. Now economists are putting a monetary value on that. In 1990, economist...

Copy Connect Create

“The kernel, the soul – let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances – is plagiarism. “For substantially all ideas are second-hand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside...