by Orna Ross | Sep 17, 2011 | FICTION |
The Story So Far: From the ‘Advanced Psychotherapeutic Facility’ in upstate New York to which her father, Mack, has admitted her, Mel McIntyre mines family history and her own memory for details of a 20-year-old tragedy: the death of baby sister, Tara. Mel has...
by Orna Ross | Sep 5, 2011 | Uncategorized |
Like many a refugee from conventional fiction publishing, one of the things I fled was being crammed into what felt like the wrong genre. In my case, what the publisher liked to call ‘chick-lit'. Pursuing the huge audience for such books, they changed my title...
by Orna Ross | Jul 8, 2011 | FICTION |
My New Novel (Serialised fortnightly on Fridays). Chapter 3. Send Me A Girl. The Story So Far: From the ‘Advanced Psychotherapeutic Facility' in upstate New York to which her father, Mack, has admitted her, Mel McIntyre mines family history and her own memory...
by Orna Ross | Jun 24, 2011 | GO CREATIVE! |
My New Novel (Serialised fortnightly on Fridays). Chapter 2. Gaining Entry. Previous Chapters Can be Read Here. The Story So Far: Mel McIntyre has been delivered to an ‘Advanced Psychotherapeutic Facility' in upstate New York by her father, Mack. The mystery of...
by Orna Ross | Jun 17, 2011 | FICTION |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter One: Letter to Self ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tall gates glide open to receive us. Hagan, Mack's chauffeur, slides the Bentley over the speed bumps all the way along the avenue. ‘Sleeping policemen', Mack says. ‘What?'...