Historical Fiction


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Skin Diving. Chapter 4.

The Story So Far: From the ‘Advanced Psychotherapeutic Facility’ in upstate New York to which her father, Mack, has admitted her, Mel McIntyre mines family history and her own memory for details of a 20-year-old tragedy: the death of baby sister, Tara.   Mel has...

Wise Old Bird Lit

Like many a refugee from conventional fiction publishing, one of the things I fled was being crammed into what felt like the wrong genre. In my case, what the publisher liked to call ‘chick-lit'. Pursuing the huge audience for such books, they changed my title...

Skin Diving. Chapter 3.

My New Novel (Serialised fortnightly on Fridays). Chapter 3. Send Me A Girl. The Story So Far: From the ‘Advanced Psychotherapeutic Facility' in upstate New York to which her father, Mack, has admitted her, Mel McIntyre mines family history and her own memory...

Skin Diving. Chapter 2.

My New Novel (Serialised fortnightly on Fridays). Chapter 2. Gaining Entry. Previous Chapters Can be Read Here. The Story So Far: Mel McIntyre has been delivered to an ‘Advanced Psychotherapeutic Facility' in upstate New York by her father, Mack. The mystery of...

Skin Diving. Sample

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter One: Letter to Self ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tall gates glide open to receive us. Hagan, Mack's chauffeur, slides the Bentley over the speed bumps all the way along the avenue. ‘Sleeping policemen', Mack says. ‘What?'...