by Orna Ross | Mar 16, 2009 | Fiction |
It looks like I'm going to be moving to London in the summer. I have lots of places I want to say ‘Goodbye' to in Ireland before I leave. Tomorrow, St Patrick's Day, I'm off to Sligo. Yeats country. Sligo became very important to me over the past few...
by Orna Ross | Mar 13, 2009 | The Rest |
Is inspiration divinely inspired? A brain blip? The byproduct or cause of mental disorder? A source of strength? Does it come from within (the unconscious, the right brain) or without (God, a muse, your daimon)? I have my own ideas which I'm currently writing about...
by Orna Ross | Mar 1, 2009 | The Rest |
I learned this morning, while reading the preface to Ayn Rand's Anthem, that its original title wasThe Ego. Apparently Rand always took a working title that was blunt and explicit, one which, for her own clarity, named the central issue of the book. I like this...
by Orna Ross | Feb 27, 2009 | The Rest |
I've come here for healing. I always have even when I was better than I am now. Here I am twice-times ill: the cancer they cut out, the treatment they say will be my cure. Nausea fatigue, and breathlessness — numbness in my fingers and my feet and beyond, or...
by Orna Ross | Feb 3, 2009 | The Rest |
Rising, curling, foam unfurling, waves of cold Salema sea, Next one coming, meet it running, plunge into the safe beneath. Behind crashing, hard sand-smashing that could knock me to my knees, Here you hold me – Look! I’m floating! – blood-beat drumming...