Historical Fiction


Go Creative!

Please Don't Call Me New Age

I see a reader on amazon.co.uk has dubbed the contemporary story in A Dance in Time (Izzy's story) to be “New Age”.   No, no, no.   I am not New Age.  I never took on New Age beliefs for precisely the same reason that I dropped my (Roman Catholic) religion...

Where Writers Go Wrong

Last night, I said goodbye to my “Get it Written” class who, since January last, have been beavering away at the task of completing a book.   Some are now finished, some have completed first drafts, some have not got quite as far as they hoped when they...

Good Things from Cancer: #1

Everybody says you are supposed to fight cancer.  Newspapers carry stories of brave battles against the disease.  And Western medicine pulls out its biggest guns for the war – chemotherapy, radical surgery, radiation… I am having all those treatments and more...

No hair

It's the launch of “A Dance in Time” tonight and I have almost no hair. I have almost no hair because I have been having cancer treatment and last week, it started to fall out.  In clumps.  (Great timing!) So what to do?  I could wear a wig.  I could wear...

Beyond Belief

Beyond Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Jew… Beyond socialism, nationalism, feminism, capitalism,  tribalism, communism… Beyond power, politics, money, identity, sex and culture… …there is a space.   That's the sort of space I'd...